Human in the Loop? or NOT? – Slate Magazine Says Google’s Self-Driving Car Makes Sense

October 12, 2010 at 6:52 pm

Slate’s Farhad Manjoo says Google’s approach to dealing with distracted driving is a sensible one. We all know texting while driving is dangerous. The solution: self-driving cars.

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On Sunday, the New York Times reported that Google is building a car that can drive itself. The search company’s small fleet of self-driving cars—guided by roof-mounted sensors and a battalion of cloud-connected servers—has driven more than 140,000 miles with minimal human intervention. The cars can obey traffic signs, merge on to the freeway, and avoid pedestrians and bicyclists. I was stunned by the news; two years ago, I interviewed several auto-safety engineers about the potential for self-driving cars, and they all told me that the technology was decades away. Google told the Times that its cars are still an experiment, and the company hasn’t decided to turn the tech into a commercial product. The tech still has kinks—Google’s cars don’t know how to obey traffic cops’ hand signals, for instance. Still, self-driving automobiles appear to be on the way to revolutionizing modern transportation. Google’s technology could make cars safer, more efficient, and a lot more pleasant.

Indeed, it’s fascinating to think about how automated driving will change how we spend our time in the car. Americans squander nearly an hour each workday commuting. That’s exactly why legislating concentration seems like a futile approach. Working from the road has become a hallmark of the American economy—we’re all being pressed to be more productive, and the many hours each week we’re trapped in our cars seem like the perfect time to get something done. Many industries (like freight companies and plumbing outfits) require workers to be tied in to the central office using onboard computers, and even office workers feel the push to stay connected while on the road. What’s more, research suggests that while both teenagers and adults (PDF) know the dangers of texting while driving, we’re all overconfident about our own abilities to multitask on the road—you think it’s dangerous for me to look at my phone while I’m driving, but you’re pretty sure you can handle it. (And texting laws are so spottily enforced that you’re pretty sure that you can get away with it, too.)