The images below are from Pew States (most of them), tweeted out as part of the #StuckinTraffic Twitter chat featuring U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx and House T&I Committee Chair Schuster. Please note that most of the images have embedded URL links pointing to a webpage/report. So, feel free to click on the ones that pique your interest to learn more.
P.S: Pardon any shoddiness as you scroll down. This post is a quick hack/harvest of compelling charts from the #StuckINTraffic twitter feed to show the landscape of transportation funding issues and why it is important to get the reauthorization done ASAP.
Image Courtesy: Pew States – US transportation funding 101—& why fed, state investment is declining:
Image Courtesy – Pew States – DYK? Transportation infrastructure funding stems mainly from states:
Image Courtesy: Pew States – Fed, states facing funding challenges as gas tax revenues stall: h
Image Courtesy: Pew States – US #transportation fed grant funding dips 9% from ’08 to ’14:
Image Courtesy: Pew States – New Pew report spotlights surface DOT funding declines, overall down $27B in real terms since 2002
Image Courtesy: Pew States – 66% of fed transportation revenue stems from gas tax—why it matters:
Image Courtesy: Pew States – Fed Highway Trust Fund—major source of state, local funds—running low
Image courtesy; Pew States
Image courtesy: Wonkblog via @TransportDems – 1 in 4 US bridges is deficient. #StuckinTraffic
Image Courtesy: @BikeLeague – What role do transit, bike and pedestrian projects play in local economies?