Share the Road, Friend – Safety Campaign from Colorado Department of Transportation Urges Drivers To Share the Road With Bicyclists and Pedestrians

June 18, 2013 at 7:03 pm

The image below was posted on the Colorado Dept. of Transportation’s Facebook Page with the following note: “Did you know that Colorado experienced a 66% increase in pedestrian fatalities and a 63% increase in bicyclist fatalities from 2011 to 2012? Share the Road folks!”  After seeing the Facebook post, I got curious and paid a visit to the CDOT website and found out they have an awesome campaign “Share the Road, Friend”  underway to create  an awareness about the  shared responsibility for road safety among all road users. They got all kinds of promotional materials made available on the CDOT website and while you are there don’t forget to check out the campaign videos as well. Nicely done, CDOT.

Share the Road, Friend – via Colorado Dept. of Transportation


Respecting the Rules & Sharing the Road – Awesomely Polite Japanese Hooligans(!) Show How to Celebrate While Being Responsible Citizens of the Society

December 21, 2011 at 8:13 pm

(Source: Reddit via YouTube)

Gotta love the Japanese Hooligans fans for their incredible politeness. Amazing how well behaved and orderly they are even celebrating their national’ team’s success on a global stage. Hmmm.. if only the Canadians, Americans and British behaved like this!!!

Seen below is an old video clip from June 201o that surfaced again on Reddit.  Shot in Tokyo during the early morning hours (video owner says 6AM)  on June 24, the Japanese soccer fans went crazy after their national team won a soccer game against Denmark during the 2010 World Cup.  They poured into the streets,  jumping around with unbridled excitement in the middle of a street.  But wait! Why are they retreat to the sidewalk from the middle of the street every few minutes? Every time the traffic light turned green for cars, they politely went back to the sidewalk, but once the traffic light turned red, they made a run for the middle of the road crossing.  I’m yet to see such a euphoric celebration by the Japanese folk in person.  Would be a sight to behold!

Note: I spotted a fan holding a beer bottle in this video.  Drinking at 6AM? Damn, son! What the heck.. It is after all a Friday and your national team has earned a glorious win in a World Cup soccer game.  Celebrate the heck out! Oh, anyone notice how friendly the traffic policemen were interacting with the fans. That would be unimaginable sight in the continental United States.

TransportGoooru Exclusive from Dr. RoadMap: Road Rage – A “swift” analysis

April 12, 2009 at 12:30 pm

WHOOSH! The mid-eighties pickup passed to my right with barely two inches between us. Evidently my 70 mph clip in the number two lane of the freeway barely passed muster for this dude, because as he maneuvered his truck directly in front of me he thrust his hand out the window and gave me the “one-finger salute.”

 Every single one of us motorists has ended up on the butt end of such activity at one time or another. But why all the anger? What causes ordinary citizens to morph into fist waving maniacs?

Raymond Novaco, Ph.D., former Professor of Psychology and Social Behavior at the University of California at Irvine, provided some answers in a study entitled Automobile Driving and Aggressive Behavior.

  • To start, Novaco pointed out that cars are marketed to appeal to our combative instincts. The ultimate driving machine, own the road, and “an aggressive multi-valve engine” are perfect examples of catch-phrases used in automobile advertisements that support this theory. 

  • Additionally, model names like Viper, Cougar, Prowler, Jaguar, Stingray, and Challenger fit themes of power and competition.

  • Novaco also reasoned that following through on assertive behavior becomes much easier behind the wheel because of the protection afforded by two tons of steel.

  • Besides, cars provide a certain degree of anonymity. Knowing we can’t be readily identified increases the likelihood that we will resort to offensive behavior that we would never attempt on a face-to-face basis.

  • Finally, our vehicles guarantee a quick escape. This ability to beat a hasty retreat almost encourages a transgression or two.

When you mix in the stresses of a long and frustrating drive with all of the above, you have some pretty strong predisposing factors for road rage. Add a precipitating factor such as a honking the worn, flipping the bird, waving a fist, etc. — what Novaco refers to as “cues for aggression” — and the results can get rather ugly.

Given all of the above, it’s no wonder we get dumped on by other drivers. But how can we keep this from happening to us in the first place? Luckily, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety offers several valuable tips in an eight-page brochure entitled Road Rage — How to Avoid Aggressive Driving.

  • First and foremost, don’t offend. Tops on the list of offensive behavior is driving too slow in the fast lane. Heck, this is where the Type-A motorists hang out. For anyone who insists on cruising below 60 there, what are you thinking!

  • The brochure also advises that you always signal when making lane changes, don’t cut people off, never tailgate, don’t flash your high beams, and keep your horn use to a minimum. Transgressions here rank high on the list of cues for aggression. In the case of a packed freeway where no one will willingly (if anything, we speed up) let you in if you signal in advance, merely give a courtesy flash of your blinker as you make your move when room allows.

  • Don’t engage. In other words, give angry drivers plenty of room. Don’t make direct eye contact if you can help it. And unless you’re Mike Tyson, never accept an invitation to pull over to the side of the road.

  • Lastly, adjust your attitude. Forget about “winning.” Trying to race everyone to the next stoplight or off-ramp invites confrontation.

Considering all this, it now seems obvious that I was partly to blame for the state of affairs that occurred when the pickup driver flipped me off, as described above. Discretion would dictate that I should have quickly pulled into a slower lane upon first sight of a fast approaching vehicle. Maybe then the guy would have raised his index finger, as well as his middle finger, and flashed the peace sign.

But then again, maybe I’m dreaming of another planet. The guy would have been just as likely to separate his four fingers in the middle and give me the Star Trek Vulcan sign.

©2009, Dr. Roadmap®


David Rizzo, better known as Dr. Roadmap,  a Commute Management expert who writes about issues such as improving gas mileage (mpg), alternate routes, traffic congestion, ridesharing, commuting behavior and intelligent transportation systems on California’s Orange Country Register.  He is well known for his comprehensive guide ever written on off-freeway commuting in Southern California, published in 1990.  Two years later he became the first traffic reporter to offer daily alternate routes in real time over the air on one of the most popular morning radio shows in Los Angeles.  His bi-weekly columns appear exclusively for TransportGooru.  This is copyright-protected content.  Please contact Transportgooru if you like to use this article or portions of this article.