Infograph: How can you bring Vision Zero to life?
Did you know that for every 1km/h reduction in average speed, there is a 2% reduction in the number of crashes? With the growing population of humans and vehicles globally, the safety of road users is becoming more and more important. The 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) report indicates that worldwide the total number of road traffic deaths is ~1.24 million per year. Only 28 countries, covering 7% of the world’s population, have comprehensive road safety laws on five key risk factors: drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints. What’s more scary is the fact that this number is going to rise sharply – 1.9 million fatalities /year by 2020 if we don’t take any action.
So, how do we achieve a better safety record for the rest of the 93% global population? How do we build communities where every one can access the transportation infrastructure safely? One of the easiest ways to reduce the number of crashes is by reducing the speed of vehicles, which can have immediate and direct impact on the number of crashes according to this infograph from PTV. If you want to learn more about road safety, download PTV’s free white paper and register to participate in webinars on this topic in early September.