An interesting dialogue on High-Speed Rail brings out some high-profile supporters

March 23, 2009 at 7:34 pm

(Source: National Journal; Photo: Cliff @ Flickr)

Is High-Speed Rail Worth It?

Lisa Caruso @ the National Journal has kicked off an interesting dialogue on America’s proposed investment in Highspeed rail.  She asks:  “What do you think of President Obama’s decision to make high-speed passenger rail service a centerpiece of his transportation agenda? Is it a wise use of taxpayer dollars to spend $33 billion in the next five years (according to the stimulus and his FY10 budget outline) to make a down payment on constructing a rail network that could take decades to create? Or are there better ways to spend this money on transportation?

 So far the following folks, including Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, Secretary of Transportation Ray Lahood, have recorded their opinions on this interesting dialogue.  7 responses: Steve HemingerPhineas BaxandallGreg CohenGov. Tim KainePeter GertlerRay LaHoodBob Poole  

So, continue to watch the thread as more folks step up to share their take  on why HSR is very important for this nation.

Click here to read and follow the entire discussion.

Ask Report’s Authors About Highway And Transit Funding

March 5, 2009 at 7:24 pm

(Source:  National Journal’s Transportation Blog)

On Feb 26, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commissionissued its report on how to fund the next highway and transit bill. It called for Congress to enact a 10-cent-per-gallon increase in the gas tax (and 15-cent-per-gallon increase in the diesel tax) in the next surface transportation bill while preparing to convert to a system that, by 2020, would charge people according to how many miles they drive.

This blog is fortunate to have commission Chairman Robert Atkinson and members Kathy Ruffalo and Geoffrey Yarema among its expert contributors. This week, instead of responding to a question, expert bloggers are invited to post their questions about the report on the blog, and Rob, Kathy and Geoff have agreed to spend the week answering them. So fire away, everyone.

Click here to read the responses/questions on this bloggers “interactive” Q & A.