Job Alert: Manager – Environmental and Long Range Planning @ Metro-North Railroad, NYC

April 8, 2013 at 6:00 pm

via YPTransportation

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York)

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


This position is responsible for assisting the Assistant Director, Environmental & Long Range Planning in the management and coordination of Metro-North Railroad (MNR) efforts in the identification and resolution of all planning, design and implementation issues related to MTA/LIRR East Side Access (ESA).  Ensure protection of MNR interests as ESA design/construction progresses.

Coordinate, communicate, and disseminate all ESA related issues within MNR with other MNR departments in resolving operational, environmental and institutional issues related to ESA.

Coordinate MNR’s involvement in the multi-agency (MNR, LIRR and MTACC) Rail Activation Plan.  Provide support to MNR, MTACC and LIRR and attend Rail Activation Plan Task Working Group Meetings.  Work with Metro-North representatives (various departments) to the Rail Activation Plan to ensure that MNR interests are protected.  Identify issues from Rail Activation Plan meetings and work with teams to either resolve or bring issues to the attention of senior management.  Assist in the preparation of the remainder of the Rail Activation Plan document. Provide assistance in developing Memorandum of Agreements, assessment and negotiation of cost sharing data with MTACC/ESA.

  • Provide technical review, recommendations and analyses on Operation impact related to pedestrian flow, customer service, etc.  in Grand Central Terminal (GCT)
  • Act as liaison when needed, at ESA meetings and other external meetings related to ESA.  Prepare and deliver presentations as needed.
  • Draft status reports to Senior Management related to ESA
  • Develop and coordinate  annual internal control reviews
  • Provide support for the Long Range Planning Department as designated PeopleSoft Representative

Required Experience
Bachelor’s Degree in Planning Strategic or Regional/Urban Planning, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Public Policy/Administration and/ or related field and a minimum of five (5) years experience in planning, design review and/or technical management of projects, preferably in a transportation operation.

Qualified applicants can submit an online application by clicking here. Applications due by April 16.

About Metro-North Railroad

Playing a vital role in the economy of New York State and Connecticut, Metro-North Railroad, a subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), is the busiest commuter railroad in the nation with an annual ridership of over 82 million. A dynamic organization with a strong focus on customer service, safety, and new technologies, Metro-North employs approximately 5,900 people. Operating out of its home base in New York City’s historic Grand Central Terminal, the railroad’s three lines serve 120 stations in seven counties in New York and two counties in Connecticut. In 2011, Metro-North received the prestigious International Brunel Award for Overall Excellence in Railroad Design, recognizing its continuing work as a more efficient operation, its commitment to sustainability, and its focus on providing excellent customer service. Metro-North was the first American railroad to win this coveted award in its 26-year history. The competition is open to all passenger and freight railroads in the world. Metro-North has a reputation for rewarding employee resourcefulness and innovation, and offers excellent job opportunities in a challenging and diverse environment.

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Rock the Rails – How children of New York’s 1% (a.k.a filthy rich) Ride Public Transport

July 20, 2012 at 6:11 pm

(Source: via Business Insider)

So, this is how the kids of 1% (a.k.a the rich people) like to ride transit in New York.. A group of 20 somethings on their way from Hamptons  decided to have fun on the train and did so with a frat-style, beer drenched, slip and slide party on the floor of a Long Island Railroad train.. No wonder these days kids do not want to have driving licenses!  Hey, be glad they did not party this hard behind the wheels of a car.. Hope this gives them an opportunity to realize how much fun it is to ride transit..

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New York’s LIRR delivers safety message via the Gap Rap – Look Down, Step Over and Watch The Gap!

July 19, 2010 at 1:15 pm

(Source: WSJ)

How do you deliver rail safety message to the General public in the age of twitter and YouTube.  Here is one such effort and it’s called Gap Rap (Warning: Geeky & Corny Video and Lyrics).

The music video, which premiered online Thursday, features LIRR Medical Director John Clarke — an army of fifth graders from Long Beach accompanying him as backup dancers — giving safety tips to railroad riders from Times Square, trains and LIRR stations. Here it is:

Dr. Clarke has a history of public-service raps.  He’s taken on psoriasis (“No one knows the cause or why is brings drama”) and H1N1 (“If you have it stay at home so you don’t spread none”).  The effectiveness of this effort is definitely worth watching in the months to come.

(Transportgooru’s Review: A full 10/10 for the thought to promote safety; 0/10 for the execution.  Summary: Doc, please spend a couple of $$ and find some pros can can really deliver and pls. stick to what you know best – medicine).

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