FHWA’s Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter – August 2009

September 14, 2009 at 5:19 pm

(Source: FHWA Office of Planning, Environment and Realty)

Recent Events

Integration of Climate Change Considerations in Statewide and Regional Transportation Planning Report Released. DOT’s Climate Change Center, with support from FHWA’s Office of Planning, Environment and Realty, recently released this report which provides analysis, observations, and lessons learned from three case studies on climate change in transportation planning, and summarizes the proceedings from two panels of state and regional experts. The case studies and panel summaries focus on how participating states and MPOs are considering climate change in the following aspects of transportation planning: vision and long range planning; forecasts, data and performance measures; public involvement; collaboration with partners; and project selection. The report can be found on the DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse site at: http://climate.dot.gov/state-local/integration/planning_process.html.

USACE Releases Sea Level Rise Guidance. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued guidance on incorporating sea level rise into their civil works projects. Per the guidance, potential sea level change must be taken into account for all projects within the extent of tidal influence. Appendix C to the guidance is a step-by-step guide on how to account for sea level changes. The guidance, Circular 1165-2-211, is available here:

State and Local News

CA Draft Adaptation Strategy Released for Public Comment. This public review draft presents research on the potential effects of climate change in California out to 2100. It also assesses potential impacts and adaptation strategies for seven different sectors, including transportation and energy infrastructure. Adaptation strategies listed include: development of a climate vulnerability plan to assess the vulnerabilities and adaptation options for California’s transportation facilities, assessment of the adequacy of current design and engineering standards in the face of future climate change effects, and vulnerability assessments for new transportation projects.

Michigan Governor Calls for Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions. On July 29, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm signed an Executive Order laying out a goal for the State of a 20 percent reduction in GHGs from 2005 levels by 2020 and an 80 percent reduction by 2050. Consistent with the State’s Climate Action Plan, the Executive Order directs the Michigan DOT to “continue to implement and expand on Congestion Mitigation programs to reduce vehicular congestion in major urban areas, including, to the maximum extent feasible, expanding the use of Intelligent Transportation Systems, identifying and improving key bottlenecks, constructing modern roundabouts where justified by traffic volumes and safety needs, and promoting the development of intermodal freight terminals.” The E.O. also calls for the DOT and the Department of Management and Budget to jointly develop an idle-reduction program for the state vehicle fleet. The E.O. is available here: http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-36898-219081–,00.html.

NYSDOT Report Explores Roadway Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture. The New York State DOT and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority have released a report on roadway lighting, vegetation, and their interaction which includes a focus on energy efficiency and carbon capture. The report is available at: https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/technical-services/trans-r-and-d-repository/LightingVegetation-C-08-03-10628.pdf


TRB and AASHTO Webinar: U.S. Transportation System Scenarios to 2050 in a World Addressing Climate Change. This webinar, to be held September 10, looks at regional transportation scenarios that aim to reduce transportation emissions and prevent weather-related infrastructure degradation. There is no fee for TRB sponsors (such as FHWA and state DOTs), but you must register at least 24 hours in advance to participate. To register or for more information, click here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/977805225.

Value Pricing Pilot Program Seeking Applications. FHWA is seeking applications for transportation pricing studies and implementation projects that do not involve tolling roadways. An objective of the solicitation is to provide incentive grants to expand the number of metropolitan areas that are developing areawide or regionwide approaches to congestion pricing. Eligible strategies include pay-per-mile car insurance and innovative parking pricing strategies such as parking “cash-out” programs, potential win-win strategies that may lead to reductions in VMT and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. A total of at least $3 million is available for these projects and studies. The application deadline is November 3. For more information, see the August 5 Federal Register notice, available here: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-18699.pdf.

ITS America and IBTTA Hosting Conference on Sustainability, Social Responsibility, and Energy Conservation. ITS America and the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association are co-hosting this conference to be held October 4-6 in St. Louis, MO. For more information and to register, click here. A preliminary agenda is available here: http://www.ibtta.org/Events/eventdetail.cfm?ItemNumber=3853.

Previous Newsletters

If you have any suggestions for inclusion in future issues of Transportation and Climate Change News, or if you would like to receive it directly in the future, please send your suggestions or request to Kathy Daniel at Kathy.Daniel@dot.gov

Inglorious “Cash for Clunkers” wrecks demolition derby vehicle market; Demolition Derby Drivers Association head says “Obama is an anti-demo-derby guy”

September 6, 2009 at 10:22 am

(Source: Time; Autoblog)

With 690,000 vehicles sentenced to one final gargle of sodium silicate, thanks to the now-defunct Cash for Clunkers program, demolition-derby drivers seem to have been left holding the short end of the driveshaft. What the government seems to have forgotten is that many cars, hobbling and sputtering as they near death, prefer to make one final trip to the local county fair (assuming they escape a 24 Hours of LeMons team). There, stripped of glass and with fuel tanks moved safely inward, the clunkers die an honorable death smashed gloriously to pieces in front of large (and often well-hydrated), cheering crowds.

There’s at least one group of people who are happy Cash for Clunkers is over: demolition-derby drivers. Participants in these events, in which drivers smash into one another until there’s only one engine left running, don’t enjoy the sight of old cars going out of commission without making a pit stop at the county fairground. “Obama is an anti-demo-derby guy,” says Tory Schutte, head of the Demolition Derby Drivers Association. “He’s targeting the cars we’ve been using.”

There’s at least one group of people who are happy Cash for Clunkers is over: demolition-derby drivers. Participants in these events, in which drivers smash into one another until there’s only one engine left running, don’t enjoy the sight of old cars going out of commission without making a pit stop at the county fairground. “Obama is an anti-demo-derby guy,” says Tory Schutte, head of the Demolition Derby Drivers Association. “He’s targeting the cars we’ve been using.”

There are an estimated 3,500 derbies in the U.S. each year, and they tend to be the main attraction at county fairs, where attendance has hit record highs in many places this summer. “It’s been a stellar year for fairs across the country,” confirms Marla Calico, spokesperson for the International Association of Fairs & Expositions.

Meet the Angry Green Girl – A New Articulate and Angry Addition To the Green Movement

August 28, 2009 at 5:01 pm

(Source:  Green Car Advisor – Edmunds.com)

The treehuggers have a new reason to rejoice.  For the environmentally conscious, green movement there is a new addition to spread the green gospel – this time with a sassy/sexy twist.  Hello everyone, Meet the “Angry Green Girl” the new pro-environment angel (sans wings) who was recently captured marketing a carwash product. Now after watching the video below, do let me know if you regret not having a Prius or something green to drive around.   For the ladies, if you are an aspiring “green angel” or feel inspired after watching the video below you may want to get some tips from the AGG here on how to be green and sexy at the same time.

She is  not just”Angry,” who also goes by the name Sofia Pernas (an aspiring actress, in case you were wondering), is the face of anew social networking site built around a sassy, silly and somewhat sexy crew whose members demonstrate green products, provide grammar school-level explanations of concepts such as global warming and generally – with sarcasm, satire and, somewhere in there, a little bit of seriousness – urge people to get greener.

What drew our attention – it certainly wasn’t the bikinis! – was the AGG crew’s use, during a promo for the new site staged in Hollywood earlier this week, of a product we’ve tried, and liked.

A quintet of bikini-clad car-washers (in green bikinis, what else) used a waterless wash product called Lucky Earth to scrub hybrids and other green cars for free for a few hours – sufficient time to get them at least two segments on one of L.A.’s independent TV station’s news broadcasts.

(The videos also show those of you who don’t live here how incredibly inane some of our L.A. “newscasters” can be.)

Lucky Earth is the brainchild of an L.A. couple who developed it in response to their daughter’s sensitivity to chemicals.

Click here to continue reading the rest of the article.

TransportGooru.com:  Who are these insanely annoying (or annoyingly insane) TV news people?  Looks like they primarily operate under the assumption that a woman who is good looking can never be smart enough to use big words.   Their mockery of AGG’s use of words such as “exacerbate” and “ubiquitous” validates my fear that these boneheads stereotype people at every opportunity they get.  Maybe the women in their lives (mom, sisters, girlfriends, etc) were all beautiful but dumb, driving these idiots to arrive at a conclusion that a girl can only be beautiful and dumb or ugly but brainy.  The biggest bonehead in that crew is that lady who was laughing along when the mocking  voice made fun of “ubiqutious.” MORONS!

Cash for Clunkers Update – August 25,2009: Indefinite Filing Deadline Extension for Dealers; Sen. Bill Frist Cashes In His Clunker for Prius; Dealers Polled Say Program is a Nightmare; Top Fuel-Efficient Cars

August 25, 2009 at 11:18 pm

(Source: Autoblog;  Detroit Free Press; US Infrastructure;  Autoblog Green)

Cash for Clunkers over, dealer deadline for filing extended indefinitely

The website has been down since yesterday morning, and the Transportation Department has officially extended the deadline for dealers to file their reimbursement requests twice now – once yesterday to noon today and again late last night. The second extension is open ended until the site comes back online and is able to handle the influx of dealer submissions.

The government website went down at some point before noon on Monday morning, presumably when dealers nationwide began submitting their final reimbursement requests from last weekend’s bonanza sell-a-thon. All the government is saying right now is that dealers will have any time lost while the site was down to submit their final paperwork.

The U.S. Department of Transportation said as of this morning 665,000 deals had been entered, for claims totaling $2.77 billion. That would mean about $130 million remains of the $3 billion set aside for the program, after $100 million the government expects to spend overseeing the program.

After thousands of dealers complained of being unable to enter deals before Monday’s 8 p.m. deadline, federal officials said the system would not be fully functional until today, and that dealers would be given additional time to submit papers. Click here to read the entire article.

Most fuel efficient cars available in the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ scheme (Not sure how useful this is anymore for buyers since c4c expired)

However, if you’re more environmentally conscious, you may want to know which are the most fuel-efficient cars available under the program.  To qualify as ‘eco-friendly’, new vehicles must get at least a EPA rating of 22 MPG combined to be eligible. Now that’s pretty bad, but it’s not like there’s a ton of car choices that get great MPG (at least in America). Click here to read the entire article.

Image Courtesy: US Infrastructure (click to enlarge)

Dealer poll calls Cash for Clunkers a ‘Nightmare,’ four out of 10 didn’t want program extended

A recent (admittedly unscientific) survey conducted by Automotive News shows that 44% of the 800 dealers polled wouldn’t want C4C to be extended again, even if the program was modified. Only 3% felt that the program should have been extended without being modified. The biggest issue dealers have with C4C is, unsurprisingly, its lack of timely payment. Some multi-store dealers have millions invested in the program, while little or no money has come in yet. An alarming 23% of dealers say they have had to borrow money to cover the cash crunch left in the wake of the Clunkers program, while an additional 10% say the program has actually sucked enough cash from the coffers that it has put the dealership at risk.  Click here to read the entire article.

Sen. Bill Frist uses Cash for Clunkers, junks Suburban for Prius

Apparently, it’s a common misconception that all Prius drivers are Democrats. Not true. In fact, recently retired Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) just got himself a shiny new hybrid hatchback from Toyota. The former senator even got a few thousand dollars off the price of his new eco-friendly ride courtesy of the just-concluded Cash for Clunkers program here in the United States.  In an interview on Larry King Live, Frist responded to King’s quip that “You don’t see a lot of Republicans driving a Prius” with the response that the hybrid’s 50 miles per gallon along with the fact that “the taxpayer gave me $6,000 to do it” as reasons for the Prius purchase.  Click here to read the entire article.

Hurry Up! Going Out of Business Sale – Government Gets Ready to Pull the Plug on Cash for Clunkers; Program slated to go offline @ 8PM on August 24, 2009

August 20, 2009 at 9:01 pm

(Source: Washington Post, New York Times, Bloomberg, The Detroit NewsAutoblog)

The federal government’s Cash for Clunkers program began with a bang on July 24th and, despite the original plan having it last until Labor Day, will officially end next Monday night (August 24th) at 8PM. The end date was announced today by U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and takes into account what he calls conservative sales estimates that have the pot running dry sometime over the weekend.

“This program has been a lifeline to the automobile industry, jump-starting a major sector of the economy and putting people back to work,” LaHood said in the statement.

As of today, C4C has recorded 457,476 sales worth $1.91 billion in rebates. The feds estimate about $400 million worth of rebates have yet to be submitted and are reserving another $100 million for administrative costs. That leaves $600 million left for what should be a very busy weekend on dealer lots.

After just a week, the program, which began July 24 and was expected to last until Nov. 1, ran out of the $1 billion originally appropriated by Congress. An additional $2 billion was approved two weeks ago, and it was supposed to last until Labor Day. Now that’s almost gone, too.

With the end in sight, many dealers are preparing for a flurry of last-minute customers over the weekend, and some are calling and e-mailing customers who were on the fence, perhaps threatening a surfeit of business.

“It’s not clear at all if there’s enough of the $3 billion to last through the weekend,” said John McEleney, chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association. “My concern is if we go past the $3 billion between now and Monday.” He said, however, that he had been assured that the government has done calculations to make sure there is enough money left to get through the weekend.

In the days leading up to Thursday’s announcement, dealers and dealer groups said that uncertainties about the program’s ultimate conclusion were creating financial hardships and confusion. Among the organizations pressing for a resolution to the program was the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), which warned its members that “dealers who accept additional ‘clunker’ deals face a growing risk that they may not be reimbursed.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, asked LaHood in a letter today to speed up payments, saying “dealers have been forced to effectively finance the CARS vouchers for buyers until the dealers are reimbursed by the federal government, placing a strain on dealers’ balance sheets that, if prolonged, could eventually offset some of the benefits of the program.”

More than 1,000 people are processing the applications, LaHood said yesterday. That compares with fewer than 200 when the program began. The agency is training more of its staff and is using Citigroup Inc. contractors to handle the paperwork.

Also late today, Chrysler Group LLC joined General Motors Co. in announcing they will advance funds to dealers who are awaiting payment from the government for clunkers deals. The administration disclosed that it has paid just $145 million of the $1.9 billion in vouchers submitted — or less than 10 percent of the funds requested.

LaHood has been holding two or three meetings daily on the progress of the program in an effort to ensure an orderly shutdown.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the trade association that represents General Motors Co., Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Co., Toyota Motor Corp. and seven other automakers, praised the government’s handling of the program.

Click here to read the entire article.

Cash for Clunkers: New York Metro Auto Dealers Pull Out Citing Repayment Issues; Government Says Program Is Nearing The End

August 19, 2009 at 8:28 pm

(Sources: WSJ, NPR, LA Times)

Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government’s Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government, a dealership group said Wednesday.  The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, which represents dealerships in the New York metro area, said about half its 425 members have left the program because they cannot afford to offer more rebates. They’re also worried about getting repaid.

“(The government) needs to move the system forward and they need to start paying these dealers,” said Mark Schienberg, the group’s president. “This is a cash-dependent business.”

Many dealers have said they are worried they won’t get repaid at all, while others have waited so long to get reimbursed they don’t have the cash to fund any more rebates, Schienberg said.  Schienberg said the group’s dealers have been repaid for only about 2 percent of the clunkers deals they’ve made so far.

“The program is a great program in the sense that it’s creating a lot of floor traffic that a lot of dealers haven’t seen in a long time,” he said.  “But it’s in the hands of this enormous bureaucracy and regulatory agency,” he added. “If they don’t get out of their own way, this program is going to be a huge failure.”

In contrast, today’s LA Times article notes that in California, which tops the list of states in terms of clunker transactions, most dealerships appear to be sticking with the program. The frenzy of buyer interest that greeted the program when it kicked off July 24 has dropped considerably partly because of shortages of popular cars such as the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic and Ford Focus.

“The gold rush is over,” said Eric Choi, fleet manager at Hollywood Ford. “We’re still getting some business from it, but like every other dealer, we’re pretty much out of cars.”

The program offers up to $4,500 to shoppers who trade in vehicles getting 18 mpg or less for a more fuel-efficient car or truck. Dealers pay the rebates out of pocket, then must wait to be reimbursed by the government. But administrative snags and heavy paperwork have created a backlog of unpaid claims.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood sought to reassure auto dealers Wednesday that they would be reimbursed for discounts given to customers under the program. With weeks-long delays in processing reimbursements, many dealers have feared the program’s $3 billion funding would run out before they received the money owed them.

An administration official said on Monday that the Transportation Department hoped to have 1,100 public and private sector workers processing the vouchers by the end of the week, up from a work force of about 350 through the end of last week.

Employees at a department service center in Oklahoma City have taken the lead in processing the vouchers, the official said, and workers have responded to calls for voluntary overtime to process the forms.

Meanwhile, Wall Street Journal reports that Obama administration will wind down its popular “cash for clunkers” incentive program on auto sales — and may do so as soon as early September, according to one person familiar with the matter.

Mr. LaHood said that within two days he would outline how the administration will end the program while ensuring all vouchers issued by dealers are reimbursed. “They’re going to get their money,” Mr. LaHood said.

When to end the program is a tricky question. The administration is closely watching the money remaining in the program, and expects there to be a surge in last-minute clunker deals once an end date is announced, said the person familiar with the matter. The administration wants to avoid having dealers agree to sales after all the funds have been used up, this person said.

Through Wednesday morning, dealers had submitted requests to be reimbursed for roughly 435,000 vouchers totaling more than $1.81 billion, though many of those hadn’t yet been approved.

The backlog at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also has dealers worried that authorities won’t know when the funding is gone, he said. “That has clearly been something that the industry has been constantly asking: When is it at $3 billion and one and there’s no money left? You need to have a soft landing kind of approach.”

Click here to read the entire article.

Cash for Clunkers: Some Tidbits & Updates – August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009 at 6:07 pm

  • Autoblog says that as of today’s there’s $1.66 billion left in the replenished Cash 4 Clunkers program. If consumers continue buying cars at the current rate, that’s just about 28 days until the program is tapped out.  As of August 7, U.S. auto dealers had received 245,000 Clunkers worth $1.03 billion as of. Today is Wednesday, August 12 and those numbers have swelled by 71,000 cars and $300 million.
  • Streetsblog CapitolHill has a nice peice that compared the ecological benefits from both the clunkers (Cars and Refigerators).  I swear to god that I had no knowledge of the Cash for Refrigerators till today.  In the Cash for Clunkers(C4C) Vs. Cash for Refrigerators(C4R)  battle, C4C’s cousin,   ” Cash for refrigerators” program typically offers between $25 and $50 for the removal of old fridges that emit chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the chemicals behind the growing ozone hole that were eliminated from home appliances in the 1990s. Ridding a home of a CFC-spewing fridge removes about five tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, recycler Sam Sirkin told the New York Times last week. That works out to a cost of $10 per ton for the richest refrigerator rebate program — more than 10 times cheaper than “cash for clunkers.
  • Autoblog says not all clunkers in Germany being junked; some are “stolen” from the junkyard.
  • Wired reports that SUVs Officially Dead as Explorer Tops Cash-for-Clunkers Trades; Ford Explorers, the once-beloved, occasionally unstable and often-maligned vehicle that spawned countless imitators.
  • Tree Hugger discusses Bill Clinton’s suggested “EVs for Clunkers” at National Clean Energy Summit – Yesterday at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, Bill Clinton suggested that the Cash for Clunkers program could serve as model to speed up the adoption of electric cars.
  • Streetsblog Captiol Hill finds out Citigroup’s “Cash for Clunkers” Contract is Worth $7.7 Million.
  • Ford Advocates Cap-and-Trade Program Citing US Energy Policies As Critical Factor in Shaping Future Vehicle Fleet

    August 9, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    (Source: Green Car Congress) Sue Cischke, Ford group vice president, Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering, pointed to the “key role” government policies such as fuel standards and greenhouse gas emission regulations, play in the development and support of Ford’s product and technology pathways. Cischke was speaking at the Center of Automotive Research’s Management Briefing Seminars in Traverse City last week.


    Image Courtesy: Green Car Congress - Actual and projected greenhouse gas emissions for passenger vehicles by region/country through 2022. Adapted from ICCT. Click to enlarge.

    Cischke cited the recent agreement on one national standard for fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions regulations as an example of how the government, the auto industry and the environmental community can work together toward common goals. (Earlier post.) The agreement provides a framework to reach an average fuel economy standard of 35.5 mpg in 2016.

    The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) calculates that meeting the proposed Federal policy will require a 5.7% annual increase in average fuel economy through 2016. Meeting the California Pavley regulations will require about a 5.8% annual increase in average fuel economy, according to ICCT. By comparison, meeting Japan’s standards for 2004-2015 requires a 1.9% annual increase; meeting the EU targets for 2008-2015 requires a 2.5% annual increase to 2015; and meeting China’s 2004-2009 target requires a 5.3% annual increase.

    To meet the demand for higher fuel efficiency, Ford will leverage and expand EcoBoost engine technology that will be available on 90% of the company’s nameplates by 2013. Other technologies such as six-speed transmissions and electric power assist steering, which yield additional fuel efficiencies, will also be widely applied across Ford’s vehicle lineup over the next several years. Ford has doubled the number and production of its hybrid vehicles and announced an aggressive strategy to bring four new electrified vehicles to market over the next three years.

    They include a battery-electric Transit Connect commercial van in 2010, a battery-electric Ford Focus passenger car in 201l, and the next-generation hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicle in 2012.

    Click here to read the entire article.

    Cash for Clunkers Update: $2B Additional Funding Taken from Renewable Energy Loan Guarantee Program

    August 8, 2009 at 11:09 am

    (Source: Green Car Congress, CNN & Streetsblog)

    On Friday, President Obama signed into law H.R. 3435, which provides $2 billion FY 2009 emergency supplemental appropriations for the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Program (Cash-for-Clunkers, C4C).

    The additional $2 billion for the supplementary funding to keep the C4C program going is being transferred from the amount made available for Department of Energy–Energy Programs—Title 17—Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program in title IV of division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).

    One of the arguments in favor of passing the bill prior to the Senate showdown, that offering $2 billion in extra “clunkers” cash would not amount to deficit spending, stems from Democratic leaders’ decision to shift the funds over from a Department of Energy (DoE) loan guarantee program.

    That strategy was designed to appeal to fiscal hawks who would have a difficult time voting to add to the already trillion-dollar federal deficit. Indeed. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) already put her leaders on notice (via Twitter) that she could only vote yes on “clunkers” if no new money was spent.

    But the DoE loans in question were approved to encourage the development of alternative energy and biofuels, two “green job” creators that have influential allies on Capitol Hill. Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) is already criticizing the shift as a raid on the clean-energy pot, and Renewable Fuels Association chief Bob Dineen said he wants Congress to promptly put the $2 billion back home at the DoE:

    The ethanol industry understands the trying economic times this country finds itself in and thus supports ideas like the “cash for clunkers” program, but is concerned to see the program paid for by depleting the renewable energy loan guarantee program. We hope Congress will move quickly to replenish the fund. One of the advantages of the “cash for clunkers” program is putting more fuel efficient cars on the road, however those new cars should also be running on renewable fuels like ethanol in order to benefit both the changing climate and the domestic economy. For the U.S. long term auto and fuel needs, it seems counterproductive to limit the renewable fuels industry.

    We support the efforts to improve fuel efficiency, and this program is a good step. But it should not come at the expense of technologies that will lead America away from petroleum all together. We strongly encourage Congress to replace the $2 billion borrowed at the first possible opportunity.

    Replenishing the DoE fund would take place in a separate vote later this year, however, making it easier for lawmakers to claim they’re not adding to the deficit with this week’s “clunkers” vote.

    “It has proved to be a highly successful vehicle marketing tool,” said Tim Evans, energy analyst for Citi Futures Perspective in New York. “But you would need a microscope to see the demand impact for gasoline from this program because it involves a relatively small number of vehicles.”

    The Reuters estimate assumes an average upgrade in fuel efficiency of 10 miles per gallon, which is in line with initial auto industry statistics on new trade-ins.

    Click here to read the entire article.

    FHWA’s Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter – July 2009

    August 7, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    (Source: FHWA-Office of Planning, Environment and Realty)

    Recent Events

    Secretary LaHood Testifies Before Senate. On July 14, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood testified to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about transportation’s role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The Secretary outlined several initiatives that DOT is undertaking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including implementing more stringent fuel economy standards, improving operational efficiency of the transportation system, and addressing VMT growth by encouraging development of livable communities.  A webcast recording of the hearing, along with submitted written testimony from all presenters, is available at: http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=57b8818d-802a-23ad-4d8d-e09cd7cb134a

    Moving Cooler Report Released. This new Urban Land Institute (ULI) publication, prepared by Cambridge Systematics, Inc. based in Cambridge, Mass., explores incremental reductions in U.S. carbon emissions that could occur within the transportation sector as a result of a wide variety of transportation- and land use-related actions and strategies to minimize auto use, including more compact development. The full publication is available for purchase on ULI’s website in either electronic (pdf) or hardcopy formats at www.uli.org.

    AASHTO Releases “Real Transportation Solutions” Website and Report. AASHTO has released a new website and report focused on strategies to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions.  AASHTO calls for limiting growth in VMT to 1% per year, increasing vehicle fuel efficiency, shifting to low- or no- carbon dioxide emitting fuels, and improving efficiency and operations of roadways.  See:http://www.transportation1.org/RealSolutions.

    28th Edition of the Transportation Energy Data Book Released. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Lab has released a new edition of its annual compendium of information on transportation energy use.  Two new tables have been added to the greenhouse gases chapter this year.  A new table on transportation greenhouse gases by mode in 1990 and 2007, based on EPA’s Inventory report, indicates that CO2 emissions from light duty on-road vehicles increased 20.8% between 1990 and 2007.  CO2 emissions from medium and heavy duty trucks and buses rose 77.8% in the same period.  Another new table, also based on EPA data, reports the CO2 emissions from a gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel.  For more information, including a pdf of the report, downloadable spreadsheets, and a link to request a free hard copy, see: http://cta.ornl.gov/data/index.shtml.

    UK Low Carbon Transition Plan Released. The United Kingdom has released its plan to achieve a 34 percent reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2020.  Some of the transportation strategies include: calling for the government to purchase vehicles that meet 2015 emissions standards in 2011, investing in low carbon bus technology, providing help to reduce the price of low carbon vehicles, supporting the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, sourcing 10% of transportation energy from sustainable renewable sources by 2020, providing funding in a competition for a “Sustainable Travel City,” funding bicycle programs, and funding rail and bus transportation.  The complete plan is available here: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/publications/lc_trans_plan/lc_trans_plan.aspx.

    RFF Report Released on Adapting Public Infrastructure to Climate Change. Resources for the Future has released a report that assesses climate change threats and the needs it imposes on public sector infrastructure, reviews infrastructure’s capacity for adaptation, and provides policy options for improving infrastructure’s adaptive capacity.  The report is available here: http://www.rff.org/rff/documents/RFF-Rpt-Adaptation-NeumannPrice.pdf.

    State and Local News

    CA Sea Level Rise Final Report Released. This study, funded in part by CalTrans, the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and others, analyzes population, property, and infrastructure at risk from future sea level rise along the California coast.  It estimates that with 1.5 meters of sea level rise, about 3,500 miles of highways and roadways along the California coast and San Francisco Bay would be at risk from a 100 year flood, compared to about 1,900 miles of roadways and highways currently at risk.  The full report is available here: http://www.pacinst.org/reports/sea_level_rise/report.pdf

    If you have any suggestions for inclusion in future issues of Transportation and Climate Change News, or if someone forwarded this newsletter to you and you’d like to receive it directly in the future, please send your suggestions or request to Kathy Daniel at Kathy.Daniel@dot.gov.