Event Alert: Embassy of Switzerland Invites You To A Bike-To-Work Week Forum & Reception

April 23, 2009 at 12:28 pm


Building a Bicycle-Friendly World

As a completely emission-free form of transportation, bicycling is one of the simplest ways to reduce our carbon footprint and make our communities more livable. Yet, to make bicycling feasible requires specific infrastructure, financing, and a commitment of political and public will. Please join Swiss and American experts from government and the private sector to discuss strategies for making our cities and nations more bicycle friendly. Panel presentation will  be followed by audience Q & A and discussion:


Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 

4:30 p.m. (Doors Open/Bicycling Exhibit)

5:00- 6:30 p.m.(Expert Panel & Discussion)

Reception to follow at Ambassador’s residence


Elmar Ledergerber-Mayor of Zurich, Switzerland

Consistently voted “Word’s Most Liveable City,” Zurich has a proactive bicycle plan overseen by Ledergerber, its “Bicycling Mayor.”

Tommy Wells-Councilmember, Washington, D.C.

A long-time advocate of green transportation, Mr. Wells sits on D.C.’s committees on Public Works & Transportation and Government Operations & The Environment

Michelle Kranz-Manager, Media Relations, Switzerland Tourism

Switzerland Tourism is a partner in Switzerland’s national network of bicycle trails, created by a unique public-private cooperation.

Thomas Gotshi, Ph.D.-Director of Research, Rails-To-Trails Conservancy

Dr. Gotschi authored the report “Active Transportation for America,” which quantifies the nationwide benefits from walking and bicycling.

Michael Jackson, (Moderator)-Director, Bicycle/ Pedestrian Access Committee

Office of Planning and Capital Programming, MDOT

Congressman Earl Blumenauer-(D, OR)

Congressman Blumenauer was instrumental in forming the Congressional Task Force on Livable Communities and the bipartisan Bicycle Caucus.


Embassy of Switzerland

2900 Cathedral Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20008

The forum is free and open to the public; reservations required at was.events@eda.admin.ch.

Ride Your Bike and Receive a Special Gift!

For more information, please visit the Embassy of Switzerland’s website. 

Also join us for Bike-To-Work Day, Friday, May 15, 2009


Join Switzerland at the Bike-to-Work Day celebration on Freedom Plaza at 9 a.m.
when we will dedicate our gift of 10 artistic bicycle racks to the city of
Washington, D.C.


Bicycle Racks by Swiss-American Artist Annina Luck

 These events are produced by the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C. as part of the U.S.-wide program ThinkSwiss-Brainstorm the Future. As a leading country in science, research and technology, Switzerland is working with its American counterparts to address key global topics like public transportation, to better understand trends and arrive at solutions.

The ThinkSwiss program is produced under the auspices of the Swiss Confederation.

For further information, visit the website www.thinkswiss.org or contact: 

Suzanne Zweizig 

Communications Manager

Embassy of Switzerland

2900 Cathedral Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20008

Tel +1 (202) 745-7920

