In the Campaign for Net Neutrality, Google’s Buses Suffer The Slow Lane Treatment, Literally

December 16, 2014 at 3:07 pm

Google gets a taste of what it is like to ride the slow lane, literally. Volunteers from the group SumOfUs put Google buses in the slow lane to demand Google support Net Neutrality, and say no to Internet slow lanes around the world! It was a gentle nudge to the internet giant to come out in support of the Net Neutrality issue. Clever campaign indeed. The group’s website says SumOfUs is a global movement of consumers, investors, and workers all around the world, standing together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable and just path for our global economy.  Check out their call to action here:

You Decide On Your Speed. Physics Decides Whether You Live Or Die! – Striking Australian road safety campaign targets motorcycle safety and speed

April 27, 2012 at 6:01 pm

(Source: Victoria TAC)

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This stunning video from Victoria, Australia  arrives just in time as the weather around the US starts to warm up and the motorcyclists are polishing up the iron ponies for some good times on the road. The Transport Accident Commission (TAC)’s public education campaign targets two of Victoria’s biggest issues in road safety — motorcycle safety and speed.  The description of the video as shown on YouTube: The campaign, titled “Reconstruction”, features a slow motion replay of a crash involving a motorcyclist and a car. The ad graphically depicts the rider suffering a broken neck as a result of his speeding prior to the collision.

The video get’s the message across in an very effective way.  If you haven’t yet, you may want to check out the other campaign videos made by the TAC on their awesome YouTube Channel (~19 million views and 4600 subscribers. Whew!!!).  Brilliant use of public $$ to educate the public! Hope the US Department of Transportation puts out a similar campaign to educate the American motorcyclists. and prevent thousands of fatal accidents involving motorcyclists (statistics: 3615 people died in 2010 from motorcycle accidents on U.S. roads) .