The Rudin Center/APA Graduate Student Award in Transportation Planning
The Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, in partnership with the American PlanningAssociation’s National Transportation Planning Division and the American PlanningAssociation’s New York Metro Chapter, is pleased to announce this new award competition.
The Competition: This new award will recognize student projects with a substantial transportation planning and design component.
Submission Requirements: Individual students or student teams should submit:
- A summary ofno more than 500 words that clearly demonstrates the project’s application to transportationplanning and design;
- Three to five images illustrating proposed solutions to transportationrelatedneeds or challenges; and
- A brief letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
Eligibility and Rules:
- Projects must have been originally created by a single student or group ofstudents for a graduate‐level studio or capstone project completed during the fall of 2009;
- A project may be submitted only once; submissions may not be revised and resubmitted;
- Atitlepage must be included with student name(s), address, degree program and school, date of projectcompletion, and a phone number. No name or other identification should be included on imagesor text summary;
- Entries will only be accepted via e‐mail; PDF is the preferred format.
The Award: The winning submission will receive a modest honorarium and be announced on the APA Transportation Planning Division and APA NY Metro Chapter websites and in the RudinCenter’s New York Transportation Journal, an electronic publication viewed by thousands ofreaders. The winning project will be posted along with the submitted images and project summaryas part of the Journal’s New Voices feature.
Selection Criteria: A committee of Rudin Center staff, NYU Wagner planning faculty and APAmembers will review all submissions using blind review. The materials will be judged on:
- Relevance to a current need or challenge in transportation planning and design;
- Quality ofgraphic images and effectiveness in illustrating a solution to a transportation need or challenge; and
- Innovation in approach to resolving a transportation need or challenge.
Submissions are due by 5:00pm on March 1st, 2010 to Download the competition flyer here.
Please contact Emily Dowdall at (212) 998.7450 with any questions.