U.S.DOT Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter – Winter/Spring 2012

June 27, 2012 at 11:12 am

Prepared by the Office of Planning, Environment and Realty @ Federal Highway Administration

Recent Events and Reports

FHWA‘s Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Pilots Completed. Five areas have completed vulnerability and risk assessments of their transportation infrastructure under FHWA’s pilot program to implement a draft framework for climate change vulnerability and risk assessment. Each area took a different approach and contributed significantly to the understanding of potential climate change impacts on their transportation assets, and to the body of knowledge of the transportation community as a whole. FHWA will use the experiences of the pilots to update the draft framework. A very brief description of each pilot:

  • WSDOT assessed the infrastructure it owns, including roads, rail, ferry facilities, and airports. They held workshops around the State, presenting information on climate projections and asking maintenance engineers and other employees with intimate familiarity with the assets, “What keeps you up at night?” to help identify current vulnerabilities that may be exacerbated in the future.
  • A New Jersey project was led by NJTPA and was supported by an interagency partnership, including the three New Jersey MPOs, NJDOT, NJ Transit, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, and the NJ State Climatologist. The pilot closely followed the three steps of the Conceptual Risk Assessment Model in its analysis of the New Jersey Turnpike/I-95 corridor and the New Jersey Coast.
  • The Oahu MPO used an interagency, multidisciplinary two-day workshop to facilitate a climate change dialog and identify five key vulnerable assets for further study. The five assets were then assessed in more detail.
  • The University of Virginia developed a priority setting tool to assess how consideration of climate change and other factors may affect project prioritization in a transportation plan. They used the Hampton Roads region as a case study.
  • MTC, in partnership with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission and others, led a study of a portion of the Bay, stretching from the Oakland Bay Bridge to the San Mateo Bridge (Alameda County). This study was focused on sea level rise. The project team developed asset risk profiles for a representative list of assets within the study area, including exposure to sea level rise, sensitivity to sea level rise (based on level of use, age, seismic retrofit status, maintenance cost, and liquefaction susceptibility).

For more information see FHWA’s pilots website which includes links to the individual pilot web pages where most of the final reports are posted. Also see recordings of two webinars on the pilots to hear about the projects directly from the project leads:

  • In FHWA Pilots Webinar I, Becky Lupes from FHWA gives an overview of the vulnerability and risk assessment framework, Jeff Perlman from NJTPA presents the results of the New Jersey study, and Carol Lee Roalkvam from WSDOT gives an overview of the WSDOT study.
  • In FHWA Pilots Webinar II, after Becky Lupes gives a very short introduction, Brenda Dix from MTC gives an overview of the San Francisco Bay study, Jim Lambert from the University of Virginia gives an overview of the Virginia Study, and Randolph Sykes from the Oahu MPO gives an overview of the Oahu study.

FHWA Releases GHG Strategy Analysis Tool. The Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool (EERPAT) was developed to assist state transportation agencies with analyzing greenhouse gas reduction scenarios and alternatives. The Tool allows agencies to quickly assess policy interactions in hundreds of scenarios. The Tool uses GreenSTEP, developed by the Oregon State DOT, as its foundation, and is expected to have regular enhancements. FHWA will be conducting pilots of the tool in early 2012. DOTs interested in participating in the pilots should contact Diane Turchetta at 202-493-0158 or diane.turchetta@dot.gov.

FHWA’s Conditions and Performance Report Includes Chapter on Climate Change Adaptation. FHWA’s bi-annual “Report to Congress” for the first time includes a chapter on climate change adaptation. The chapter includes information on projected climate change impacts to highway transportation, steps for assessing adaptation needs, discussion of adaptation options, barriers to implementation of adaptation measures, and some current adaptation activities underway by USDOT, and state and local transportation agencies.

FHWA Newsletter Highlights use of ROW for Renewable Electricity Generation. The December issue of FHWA’s Success in Stewardship Newsletter, “Utilizing the Highway Right-of-Way to Generate Renewable Energy,” highlights DOT efforts in Oregon, Ohio, Massachusetts, and North Carolina to use highway rights-of-way for solar, wind, and biofuel generation.

FAA Issues NEPA GHG Guidance. On January 12, the Federal Aviation Administration issued interim guidance on considering greenhouse gas emissions in NEPA studies. The guidance calls for including an estimate of CO2 equivalent emissions if conducting an analysis of other air emissions or if computing and reporting on fuel burn in the NEPA document.

EPA Issues Draft Guidance on Using MOVES for Estimating State and Local On-Road GHG Emissions. The draft EPA guidance, “Using MOVES for Estimating State and Local Inventories of On-Road Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption,” explains how to use the MOVES model to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from on road vehicles to create state or local inventories, or to estimate total energy consumption from the on-road sector. This document is posted on a new web pagethat also hosts other recent EPA publications about estimating emission reductions of both greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants from transportation efficiency strategies.

Army Corps of Engineers Issues Sea Level Rise Guidance. USACE’s “Engineering Circular 1165-2-212” provides guidance for accounting for projected future sea level rise across the project life-cycle for all Army Corps Civil Works activities. According to the Circular, local sea level rise is required to be considered in all Corps coastal activities. The circular includes some broad guidelines on how to develop and consider this information in alternatives selection for a project (pp.1-4), and also includes several appendices. One appendix is designed to help project sponsors estimate future trends in local sea level rise relevant to a specific project, while a second provides a decision-support flowchart for developing ranges of projected local sea level rise.

Report Identifies Climate Information and Assistance Needs. “Climate Adaptation & Transportation: Identifying Information and Assistance Needs” summarizes presentations and discussions from a NOAA workshop to investigate the transportation community’s needs for assistance from the climate science community, identifying the major findings and recommendations for addressing them. Workshop discussion focused on ways the climate science community can help meet transportation organizations’ needs for data, decision support tools, technical assistance, and other activities.  Attendees included representatives from the transportation and climate science fields in government, academia, consulting, and the nonprofit communities. The Center for Clean Air Policy and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute led this study with funding from NOAA.

State and Local News

Florida Report Looks at Assessing Sea Level Rise on Transportation Infrastructure. A new report sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Development of a Methodology for the Assessment of Sea Level Rise Impacts on Florida’s Transportation Modes and Infrastructure,” provides recommendations on how to assess the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) on transportation infrastructure in Florida. Researchers at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) reviewed existing SLR forecasts, undertook an extensive inventory of the transportation network along the Florida coastline, and developed a methodology for identifying and assessing potentially vulnerable transportation infrastructure. The researchers applied this methodology and developed case studies for three locations in the state. The report provides recommendations to FDOT on building the impact of SLR into their planning, project development, and construction processes.

WSDOT Issues Updated Climate Change Guidance. WSDOT has issued updated guidance on considering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change effects in project evaluations. The guidance calls for no GHG, qualitative GHG, or quantitative GHG analysis based on the class of environmental review, and provides a recommended quantitative approach for the analysis and sample language. It also addresses how climate change effects could be considered by asking project teams to ask and answer the question: “how will my project be affected by climate change?” and provides the steps and resources to do this.

Washington State Issues Framework for Addressing Climate Change Challenges. In recognition of a projected $10 billion in costs from climate change by the end of the decade, Washington State has released an “Integrated Climate Change Response Strategy” that is intended to provide a broad framework for decision-makers to use in their day-to-day work to ensure that consideration of climate change impacts is given a high priority. The strategy, “Preparing for a Changing Climate: Washington State’s Integrated Climate Response Strategy,” was completed by the Department of Ecology in collaboration with other state agencies and released April 3. It lays out a variety of threats ranging from the risks posed by a projected spike in diseases found in warmer climates such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia to increased flooding brought on by more frequent extreme weather events.

The response plan suggests adaptive strategies such as public education to meet disease threats and floodplain restoration, with the goal of increasing water storage capacity to fend off floods. The report calls for reducing risk of damage to buildings, transportation systems, and other infrastructure by:

  • Identifying vulnerable areas and taking proactive steps to reduce risks to infrastructure;
  • avoiding climate risks when siting new infrastructure and planning for growth; and
  • enhancing capacity to prepare for more frequent and severe flooding, rising sea levels, wildfires, and changes in energy supply and demand.

The report noted WSDOT’s recent efforts to conduct a qualitative assessment and initial screening of state-owned transportation infrastructure vulnerable to climate impacts as part of FHWA’s pilot program. The results of that assessment will be used to help prepare for future conditions and incorporate climate information into decision-making.

New York State Creates Electric Vehicle Voucher Incentive Program – The FHWA New York Division approved $10 million of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds for the initial year of a statewide project entitled the “New York State Electric Vehicle Voucher Incentive Program.”  This program is intended to help the private companies, public entities, and non-profit entities operating vehicles within New York State to purchase new electric-battery powered medium and heavy-duty (Class 3-8) trucks with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or more.  MPOs in all air quality nonattainment/maintenance areas of the State are being given the opportunity to endorse the statewide project on their Transportation Improvement Programs. If an MPO chooses not to endorse it, dealers in their area will not be eligible to participate.  It is estimated that this incentive program will provide vouchers for at least 450 vehicles in the first year, reducing greenhouse gases by an estimated 11,700 tons and saving about 1 million gallons of diesel fuel. This project was the result of cooperative discussions between the New York Division’s Planning, Environment, and Right of Way Section, the New York State Department of Transportation, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and the New York City Department of Transportation. More information is available in a press releasefrom Governor Cuomo.

New York State Releases Climate Change Adaptation Report. In an effort to provide state decision makers with information on the state’s vulnerability to climate change and to assist in the development of adaptation strategies, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) produced “ClimAID: the Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in New York State.” The report contains a chapter on transportation infrastructure in the state, including a comprehensive description of the sector, the relevant climate hazards, and resulting vulnerabilities. The transportation chapter also outlines key adaptation strategies and important equity and environmental justice considerations.

Oregon’s TIGER III Electric Vehicle Charging Corridor Project Gets Major Boost. The Electric Vehicle Charging Corridor Connectivity Network Project in Oregon has been awarded an additional $1.34 million in TIGER III funding. The current project, originally funded with $2 million in TIGER II funding will install 22 DC fast charging stations at major destinations outside of Oregon’s metropolitan areas.  The project is anticipated to begin installation in April 2012, and be completed by December 2012. The additional TIGER III funding will allow expansion of the DC fast charging stations network as envisioned in the State’s original proposal.

NJTPA Hosts International Discussion on Climate Change Adaptation. On March 28, 2012, The North Jersey Transportation Authority (NJTPA) hosted the Symposium – Adapting to Climate Change: an International Discussion. As part of a tour of US transportation agencies, researchers from the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) met with officials from NJTPA, NJ Transit, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Rutgers University, and others to exchange information on infrastructure resiliency and climate change adaptation activities. More information, including presentations and video recordings of the proceedings, is available on the NJTPA website.


FHWA and AMPO Webinar on Climate Change Planning for MPOs: Effective Implementation of Traffic Operations and Management. June 26, 2012, 2:00-3:30 Eastern time. How are MPOs building on existing transportation management and operations programs to meet climate change needs? For GHG reductions? For better emergency response to extreme weather (climate) events? This webinar is free and open to all, however registration is required. This is the last in a series of six webinars on climate change sponsored by FHWA and AMPO.

Portland State University Transportation Seminar Series Explores Modeling and Climate Change – For the Spring of 2012, Portland State University’s Center for Transportation Studies Seminar Series, traditionally covering a breadth of current transportation topics, will instead focus on the single theme of transportation modeling, specifically taking a policy oriented approach and examining climate change impacts. Speakers for the series of 8 to 10 seminars will include both public and private sector transportation professionals. The series is free and open to the public. Webcasts of each seminar will be available live and archived; see www.cts.pdx.edu/seminars/ for topics and scheduling details.

If you have any suggestions for inclusion in future issues of Transportation and Climate Change News, or if someone forwarded this newsletter to you and you’d like to receive it directly in the future, please send your suggestions or request to Becky Lupes at Rebecca.Lupes@dot.gov or Heather Holsinger at Heather.Holsinger@dot.gov.

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Motorcycle Diaries: Part II (sans Che’) – Beautiful photo essay from a foreigner who rode 12,500kms through South America on his 150CC motorcycle

June 22, 2012 at 11:56 am

Imgur via Reddit

Awesome road trip story as narrated by Redditor rufflesdance… with NO GPS!  If you are an avid motorcyclist and harbor a desire down in the trenches of your mind, I sincerely recommend you to check out the comments section of his Reddit post where he has shared info. and answered tons of questions from fellow motorcycle enthusiasts. It was mindboggling how much he has learned and observed as he shared many little nuggets of wisdom from this road trip. If you have a hard time reading the detailed narrative underneath each of the photographs, click here. Drop a note in the comments section if you like this post.


Rare Sighting of Two Bald Eagles In the Middle of A Busy Washington, DC Traffic

June 21, 2012 at 7:48 pm

Imgur Via Reddit

Images below were posted by Redditor Kavorka2 who says that these images were taken from a friend’s Facebook page (says he snapped these amazing pictures while visiting DC..)

ITS Training Available! Free Road Weather training for state, local and Federal employees

June 21, 2012 at 4:54 pm

The U.S. DOT’s ITS Professional Capacity Building Program, in the ITS Joint Program Office, partners with training providers and industry associations to develop and deliver ITS-related training.  This email provides an update on several training opportunities from the Consortium for ITS Training and Education:

Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE)

Improve your skills and become more resourceful via CITE’s upcoming blended course offerings; includes discussion board forums which provides students with a strong sense of community.  Each course runs approximately 6-8 weeks.

Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) Equipment and Operations – (June 22 through July 31, 2012) http://www.citeconsortium.org/courses/RWIS-blended.html

Adverse weather is our common enemy in road maintenance, traffic, and emergency operations. Transportation agencies are well aware of the operational and logistical challenges of such weather. Many agencies are fighting this age-old battle by implementing Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). The goal of this course is not only to discuss RWIS initiatives and considerations but also explore individual state and local deployment challenges through workshops, exercises, and self-assessments, which will leave participants with an action plan tailored for their specific needs.

Principles and Tools of Road Weather Management – (September through October, 2012) http://www.citeconsortium.org/courses/RoadWeatherMgmt_Blended.html

Through this course, participants are exposed to various strategies for addressing road weather problems, including Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) and the development of crosscutting decision support systems to respond effectively to weather situations. This course is part of the Specialized Learning Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) curriculum established by the ITS Professional Capacity Building (PCB) program.

Weather Responsive Traffic Management (WRTM) * New (October through December, 2012) http://www.citeconsortium.org/courses/WRTM-blended.html

This course provides information and guidance to transportation system managers and operators to help them effectively manage traffic flow and operations during adverse weather conditions. At the end of the course, participants will understand the WRTM concepts framework strategies and be able to describe the types of data, analysis tools, and performance monitoring necessary to effectively manage traffic during weather events.

If you are interested in taking either of these courses, please contact Denise Twisdale (301-403-4592) or Kathy Frankle (410-414-2925).  All course materials are on-line but students have access to course instructors through three pre-scheduled conference calls.  Cost is $250 each, $550 for all three (3); free for state, local and Federal employees (sponsor code F2012).  Register today; don’t delay! http://www.citeconsortium.org/registration.html



Breath of Fresh Air – An Interview with Fellow Transportation Geek, Bryan Mistele, CEO @ Inrix

June 12, 2012 at 3:59 pm

I have had the privilege of listening to Bryan in person at many industry-related events over the years but never heard some of the things he has shared in this awesome interview with Channel Next Cast. He goes into details about his entry into the business and how his company is innovating the transportation data to solve the congestion, in addition to offering excellent advice for wanna-be innovators & entrepreneurs. It is truly refreshing to see a dynamic youngster like him bring the much needed innovation and fresh, outside the box thinking towards solving the age old transportation problems – primarily congestion.

One interesting fact that I liked from Bryan’s interview: He is not a fan of red light cameras (like most of us) and he thinks traffic congestion problems can be solved for the large part in the next 10 years. Hmmm!

For those interested, here is a graphic from today’s Wall Street Journal article that covers INRIX and other start-ups working on transportation-related “big data“.


Image Courtesy: Wall Street Journal

Summary of the interview (made available by ChannelNextCast on YouTube.com):

Bryan Mistele wants to eliminate one of society’s biggest issues — traffic. How’s he going to do it? Find out in this episode of nextcast.

Growing up, Bryan knew he wanted to run his own tech company. After spending time in high school working with electrical engineers, he wrote down a life goal: start and be CEO of a two hundred person tech company. Now with 300 employees, he and his team at INRIX are tackling the ever-present problem of traffic. Bryan tells Jeff how they’re making this worldwide problem completely personal, by optimizing technology and getting people where they want to go. He also shares his secrets of success with Jeff — the perfect combination of persistence and naivete. * When Brian left Microsoft, he thought INRIX would be completely funded within a month. Twelve months and 70 rejections later, his company finally came to life. He credits this with a healthy balance of persistence and naivete. “Venture capitalists all told us we would be crushed…now we are the leader.”
* He also says he owes much of his success to wisdom gained in his early years, working at an electrical engineering firm. Following their advice of finding a partner who shares your career goals led him to the wife who encouraged him to persevere in the face of VC rejection. “If I hadn’t had that person in my life I never would have gotten off the ground,” he says. * It’s always been Bryan’s dream to run his own tech company, from the time he wrote it down as a life goal at age 16. He noted that in a big company, your future is tied to someone bringing you along up with them. Now, as a CEO, “whether it succeeds or fails, it’s up to me…and I like that.”
* Is this a trend? Our second nextcast guest who says he’d eliminate traffic cameras, Bryan explains that they actually cause more accidents than they prevent. What other improvements to the world of traffic does Bryan have to offer? We’re less than a decade away from seeing them all come to life.

Adding Ammo To The Argument: Why Riding A Motorcycle Is Good (& Encouraged) In Britain

June 6, 2012 at 4:56 pm

A few days back we saw a nice video from RidetoWorkUK , promoting motorcycles as a commuting option.  And today I saw this new video posted by a British biker showing how wonderfully he bypassed a longggg traffic queue by hopping on the dedicated bus lane.  And with that today I learned, motorcycles are allowed to use bus lanes in some parts of UK..

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxDeXZSfAzM&hd=1‘]

Why are we not doing that in this part of the world (i.e., US)? Or do you know of any cities where such a practice is in place?

Mountain of Stupid: Why are these stupid bikers not in jail for endangering the lives of everyone on the road…

June 4, 2012 at 5:34 pm

(Source: via Reddit)

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_5G6oOwv3o‘]

Seriously, this video tells you how far America has deteriorated into the abuse of law. The attorney clearly knows what is wrong here (over speeding: speed at impact ~110mph; at times nearing 140mph-160mph as shown in the helmet cam recording) but he still presents the case without any qualms and goes  on to showcase this as a milestone achievement for his firm.  It is clearly the motorcyclists fault and I’m curious to know how this attorney claims to have gotten compensation from multiple insurance companies! (Either he is lying through his teeth or have some stupid layers representing the insurance companies?). As the Redditor pointed out this is a mountain of stupid.   Of course, the operator of the motorcycle is dead, which leaves me wondering if the police have pressed charges against the rest of this reckless crew of bandits who put everyone else (and their own lives) at risk in this high-speed thrill ride. Stupid. A Mountain of Stupid!

Job Alert: Director of Marketing and Business Development (Transportation) @ NIC, Inc. – Arlington, VA

May 31, 2012 at 6:08 pm

NIC, the leading provider of eGovernment services, is seeking a dynamic individual to assist with growing NIC’s business with the federal government. We are looking for someone who can develop and implement effective business development plans, identify new business opportunities and cultivate, influence and win new business with federal government agencies.

Director of Marketing and Business Development

This position designs, executes and manages development of federal information technology business opportunities for NIC. This person will be part of the NIC federal management team. The most qualified candidates will have experience with Internet/technology, marketing and public relations, federal business development and the candidate will have exceptional communication skills. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, organized, able to balance multiple priorities simultaneously, skilled at developing client relationships and be comfortable serving as a company spokesperson and representative at industry and government events.. Prior work experience with US Congress or a federal government agency is desired. This position will have significant growth opportunity depending upon the skills, experience, and initiative of the individual.

Responsibilities include:

  • Assist with identifying and developing federal business opportunities
  • Develop ongoing relationships with federal government agencies. Prepare federal government procurement responses
  • Monitor agency rulemaking and procurement for potential business opportunities
  • Monitor Congressional activity and provide summary reports on hearings, new and existing legislation, etc.
  • Interact with business development consultants such as lobbyists, assisting with development and execution of strategies to advance business development goals
  • Draft strategic business development plans in collaboration with the federal government business development team.   Track and report progress relative to plan.
  • Understand and follow trends in federal government information technology service delivery, contracting and oversight
  • Participate in business strategy, planning, budgeting as part of management team
  • Work closely with team members to coordinate resources, priorities, and projects
  • Provide information on day-to-day functions to the General Manager of federal business development
  • Ensure quality and timeliness of marketing, business development and reporting deliverables, including compliance with established company process and standards
  • Oversee and enhance business development process, including document templates and marketing materials, to ensure effective, professional presentation
  • Oversee relationships with partner companies, allied organizations & trade associations
  • Oversee customer relationship management (CRM) software; generate reports from the software
  • Develop strategies to generate/increase awareness of eGovernment services in the federal government marketplace
  • Meet with agencies to discuss existing services, potential projects, and projects in development; understand and document opportunities and next steps
  • Conduct demonstrations of new eGovernment applications, attend trade shows and conferences to display applications
  • Give public presentations on eGovernment to agencies and user-groups
  • Write award nominations, white papers, and other reports as requested by General Manager
  • Participate in events to help promote NIC
  • Manage the development of print and online marketing materials, newsletters, press releases, and articles
  • Conduct regular meetings with the federal government business development team on status of completed and ongoing projects and assist with priorities, decision-making
  • Develop agency contractual agreements and fee attachments
  • Provide guidance, training, feedback, performance evaluations, team-building and leadership; assist with interviewing and hiring
  • Serve as manager to junior federal business development resources

Job Requirements

  • Undergraduate degree
  • Minimum of five years’ job related experience
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including verbal and written abilities, editing and presentation skills
  • Familiarity with technology/Web/eCommerce projects
  • Experience developing creative, economical and targeted marketing strategies
  • Strong leadership, organizational, prioritization, and supervisory skills
  • Attention to detail and commitment to quality
  • Self-motivated
  • Desire to work in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment
  • Experience with business development with federal agencies is beneficial
  • Experience working in federal government agencies or Congressional offices is beneficial


  • Competitive compensation program
  • No-cost group medical/dental
  • Paid vacation/holidays
  • Stock purchase plan
  • Matching 401(k) contributions with 100% vesting
  • Disability insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Company wellness program
  • Casual and fun office environment


$80k – $100k depending upon experience

This is a great opportunity to join a successful company at the management level, with opportunity for growth. Please send a copy of your resume along with a cover letter to my address (transportgooru@gmail.com) and I’ll get you a quick response.

NIC is an equal opportunity employer

Infograph: The Evolution of Motorcycle Safety (in Britain)

May 24, 2012 at 5:22 pm

(Source: Newsilike)

This neat infograph showcases the progress and milestones achieved in Motorcycle safety in Britain over the years..  and today I learned that Motorcycles are excluded from London’s congestion charging..

The Evolution of Motorcycle Safety

The Evolution of Motorcycle Safety via Bennetts- image courtesy: NewsiLike.com


Someone Show This To U.S. Politicians, Please! The 2012 National Traffic Signal Report Emphasizes the Need for Strategic Investments

May 15, 2012 at 11:51 am

(Source: NTOC)

The latest national traffic signal assessment conducted by the National Transportation Operations Coalition (NTOC), a group of transportation associations, shows that gradual but steady progress is being made on the management and operation of traffic signals despite continued funding challenges. NTOC today released the 2012 National Traffic Signal Report Card with a grade of 69, equivalent to a D+ letter grade, based upon the assessment. The 2012 score is a modest four point improvement over the 2007 result of a D letter grade (65). The effort to improve the Nation’s traffic signal systems is driven by benefits such as reduced fuel consumption and congestion mitigation. Grading themselves in five areas, 241 respondents, representing approximately 39 percent of all traffic signals in the United States, completed the self assessment. The complete grades are as follows:

2012 Traffic Signal Report Card Results

The 2012 National Traffic Signal Report Card shows that while there is still much work to be done, many jurisdictions have used objectives-based approaches that result in improvements to their management and operations of traffic signals. The 2012 National Traffic Signal Report Card Technical Report and Executive Summary can be found at www.ite.org/reportcard.