California may soon require smog checks for motorcycles

March 5, 2009 at 6:06 pm

California may soon require smog checks for motorcycles

Back on February 26th, California State Senator Fran Pavley introduced legislation that would “amend Section 44011 of, and to add Section 44012.5 to, the Health and Safety Code, relating to air pollution.” All right, what’s that mean? Basically, this legislation would require motorcycle owners in California to get smog checks for their motorcycles once every two years. The law would cover all motorcycles model year 2000 or newer and, if passed, would go into effect on January 1st, 2012. 

Click here to read the rest ofthe article.

Number of the Day: More Than Half of All Vehicles Trips to Work in US are 11 Miles or Less

March 5, 2009 at 5:35 pm

(Source: Treehugger)

driving to work photo

11 Miles — According to the 2001 Nationwide Household Travel Survey (NHTS), 58%of all vehicle trips to work are less than 11 miles (17.7 kilometers).

37% — Vehicle trips to work that are 5 miles (8 kilometers) and less represent 37%, according to the same survey.

21% — Trips between 6 and 10 miles (9.6 to 16 kilometers) represent 21%.

Click here to read the entire article.

Ready, Set, Go! Paving the Way for Plug-In Vehicles

March 5, 2009 at 1:03 pm

(Source:  Rocky Mountain Institute Via Tree Hugger)

plug in vehicle photo

Image credit:RMI

President Obama has set the goal of adding one million plug-in vehicles to the country’s fleet by 2015. And while the recently passed stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, contained some very generous incentives for plug-in vehicles, much work remains to be done.

One million is one half of a percent of the fleet—a good start, but a small start. How do we make sure the first million are a screaming success, and that we accelerate to 10 million, and 100 million soon?

Rocky Mountain Institute believes the solution lies with preparing our cities and communities, and we recently launched Project Get Ready to speed up the transition.

Getting ready for plug-ins isn’t going to be a massive overhaul, but it does require some planning, and targeted shifts in several important sectors. Examples include changing electrical code to allow for charging spots, creating special electricity pricing for plug-ins, and teaching citizens what to expect from a plugged-in lifestyle.

Click here to read the entire article.

Obama administration works on U.S. fuel rule

March 5, 2009 at 12:57 pm

State standards could be supplanted

(Source:, Detriot Free Press)

WASHINGTON — Even as his administration moves toward allowing California and other states to set limits on vehicle fuel economy, President Barack Obama has begun crafting a new national standard that will likely supplant the states’ efforts.Hello again, cheap gas

The moves would allow the president to fulfill a campaign promise to let the California limits take effect while addressing the chorus of concerns from a financially beleaguered U.S. auto industry about meeting a so-called patchwork of state-level greenhouse gas controls, in addition to federal fuel economy rules.

The rules are different but the effect is similar — greater fuel efficiency from vehicles leads to reduced emissions.

The administration has raised the idea for a national limit as part of its talks with Detroit automakers and suppliers for additional aid, an administration official said Wednesday.

“The president believes that one national policy for autos would provide the industry with certainty while achieving our environmental and energy independence goals,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The California rules would have little immediate effect on automakers if adopted, but the standards would toughen annually through 2020.It´s the economy, stupid!

Click here to read the entire article.

Oil company cutbacks may raise gas prices down the road

March 4, 2009 at 9:03 pm

(Source: USA Today)

Americans battered by the recession have found modest consolation in low gasoline prices, a salve that’s likely to last as long as the economic downturn.

But the oil industry is quietly sowing the seeds for a sharp run-up in gas prices once demand recovers.

Oil companies are slashing new investment and production far more sharply than analysts projected just a couple of months ago, a strategy analysts say could lead to shortages and higher gas prices when consumption rebounds. And, analysts say, a standoff between the oil giants and their suppliers over the cost of rigs, labor and other expenses could prolong the investment slowdown.

“The turnaround will probably come faster than people expect, and the supply won’t be there,” says Joseph Stanislaw, an adviser to Deloitte’s energy practice.

Oil companies are shaving exploration and production spending 18% this year, including a 40% drop in the U.S., according to new estimates by analyst James Crandall of Barclays Capital. In December, the firm said budgets would fall 12%, 26% in the U.S. Drilling in the U.S. is down 39% from its September peak.Pumping gasOh Thank Heaven!

Click here to read the entire article.

MIT takes on global transportation challenge

March 4, 2009 at 8:51 pm

New initiative to pioneer 21st century solutions via greater coordination and interdisciplinary collaboration

(Source: MIT News)

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology today launchedTransportation@MIT, a coordinated effort to address one of civilization’s most pressing challenges: the environmental impact of the world’s ever-increasing demand for transportation. Building on MIT’s rich tradition of engineering research and interdisciplinary collaboration, the new initiative will knit together the wide-ranging, robust research already under way at the Institute and create new opportunities for education and innovation.

The program’s creation comes as the global movement of people and things becomes increasingly unsustainable — a problem that cannot be pinned on any one mode of transport. Two-thirds of the world’s petroleum consumption is taken up by transportation-related needs. Projections indicate that demand for petroleum, if unchecked, may outstrip supply within a few decades, while carbon dioxide output across the globe could triple by 2050.Modern Gate

“The global transportation challenge is as multi-faceted as a problem could be, and it is hard to think of an institution better equipped to tackle it than MIT,” said Dean of Engineering Subra Suresh. “By coordinating our own efforts and leveraging connections among faculty across our schools — from researchers exploring efficient new fuels to those studying transportation as a system to those rethinking how our cities are organized — we can make important and innovative contributions and encourage the rapid development of new ideas in sustainability, technology, business practices, and public policy related to all modes of transportation.

Click here to read the entire article.

TransportGooru Loves Bus Chick, Bus Chick Nerd & their adorable Bus Chicklet

March 4, 2009 at 6:39 pm

(Source: Street Films via Treehugger)

Thanks to Tree Hugger, Transportgooru got to know the biggest transit proponent that lives in the Western hemisphere.  I am proud to introduce you to the Bus Chick and her adorable family.  Meet Carla Saulter, aka Bus Chick (she has a blog on the Seattle Post Intelligencer’s website: Bus Chick, Transit Authority).  Check it out:

Car-Free and Loving It!

Stimulus Dollars In Motion: Maryland Orders 100 Hybrid Buses

March 4, 2009 at 6:28 pm

(Source: TreeHugger)

xcelsior hybrid bus maryland photo

Xcelsior Hybrid Bus. Image credit:New American Flyer, Inc.

Taking advantage of the Federal stimulus package, Maryland’s Governor O’Malleyannounced the State’s intention to purchase hybrid 100 hybrid diesel/electric buses for $62 million.  

Click here to read more.

GM Fights Back: Volt Battery Pack “Hundreds Less” than $1,000/kWh

March 4, 2009 at 6:22 pm

(Source:  GM’s Fast Lane Blogs, via TreeHugger )

gm chevy volt electric car photo

GMScryve Corporate Social Responsibility Rating Defends the Volt’s Designgm chevy volt electric car photo
A recent Carnegie Mellon University study (pdf) challenged the real-world gasoline savings and cost effectiveness of plug-in hybrids like the Chevy Volt. GM’s Vice President Global Program Management, Jon Lauckner, who has been involved in the Volt project responded on the company’s blog. Find out what he had to say below.

All-Electric Range

The first thing is the electric range of the car. Somewhat strangely, the CMU study found that “for urban driving conditions and frequent charges every 10 miles or less, a low-capacity PHEV sized with an AER (range) of about 7 miles would be a robust choice for minimizing gasoline consumption, cost and greenhouse gas emissions.”

7 miles? Really?

Well, Jon Lauckner responds:

I’ll cut to the chase; for starters, the study’s endorsement of plug-in vehicles with only a “token” electric-only range (seven miles) overlooks the inconvenience of recharging for the vast majority of drivers (approx. 90 percent) with a daily commute that exceeds seven miles. I mean, honestly, how many customers are going to stop every seven miles and wait at least 30 minutes (if a car has a high-capacity charger like the Volt with the same level of electrical energy to match it) for their battery to be recharged? […] And, if customers don’t recharge during the day, these “token” plug-ins will run primarily on gasoline. How is that consistent with reducing green house gas emissions and our dependence on petroleum?

Click here to read the entire article.

Wall Street Journal’s Interview with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

March 4, 2009 at 2:05 pm

(Source:  Wall Street Journal)

Rupert Murdoch is on my drivewayPresident Obama and Vice President Biden spoke with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Tuesday at Transportation Department headquarters, where they announced the first batch of stimulus funds getting distributed. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. LaHood talked about spending stimulus money wisely, his opposition to an increase in the gasoline tax, new fuel emission standards and more. Below are edited excerpts from the interview.

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The Wall Street Journal: What’s being done to ensure that the $48 billion going to transportation projects in the stimulus bill is spent wisely?

Mr. LaHood: Our people are in touch daily with these DOT secretaries. We generally, having worked with them for years and years and years, know what is fundable. It really falls under two categories. Projects that were started and then stopped because they ran out of money, and something that’s been sitting on a shelf in a DOT office because they didn’t have the money to fund it. Some of these, like the one we announced today (a road repaving project in suburban Maryland), have been in process…These are projects that these folks have known about and have been talking about for some time. This isn’t something brand new that’s been sprung up on them…I don’t think you’re going to see something weird pop up…It’s pretty traditional stuff. It really is.

WSJ: Are you concerned when you hear squabbles between mayors and governors over how to spend the stimulus money?

Mr. LaHood: [Cities] are concerned that 70% of the money is going to the states and they’re only going to get 30%…These disputes, look it, they’re going to take place….In the end, I’m not going to be able to change the idea that 70% of this is going to the states and 30% are going to them. I tried to make a case for them. But the way it’s designed here…it is what it is.

Click here to read the entire article.