FAA gets the bird! Transportation Dept. Reverses FAA on Bird Strike Data

April 22, 2009 at 5:22 pm

(Source: Washington Post; USA Today & Airsafe.com)

 The people should have access to this kind of information

Department of Transportation is preparing to reject a proposal by the Federal Aviation Administration that would keep secret data about where and when birds strike airplanes.   Among the high-profile boosters of releasing the information is Transportation Secretary  Ray LaHood, whose agency oversees the FAA.  He said the comments ran “99.9 percent” in favor of making such information accessible.  

“I think all of this information ought to be made public, and I think that you’ll soon be reading about the fact that we’re going to, you know, make this information as public as anybody wants it,” LaHood said in an interview for The Washington Post’s “New Voices of Power” series. “The people should have access to this kind of information.

“The whole thing about the bird strike issue is it doesn’t really comport with the president’s idea of transparency,” the secretary said. “I mean, here they just released all of these CIA files regarding interrogation, and . . . the optic of us trying to tell people they can’t have information about birds flying around airports, I don’t think that really quite comports with the policies of the administration. . . . It’s something that somebody wanted to put out there to get a reaction. We got the reaction, and now we’re going to bring it to conclusion.”

Here is the Secretary’s interview to Washington Post’s Lois Romano on this issue:

 The FAA last month quietly posted a proposal in the federal register, requesting public comment, that would bar the release of its records on bird collisions. The proposal followed a prominent incident in January when a flock of geese brought down a commercial flight, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River. The agency immediately came under fire because the recommendation runs counter President’s Obama vows of government transparency.

For those interested in reading the FAA’ proposal on Federal register, here it is:

 Note: TransportGooru appreciates the Sec. of Transportation’s stand against this move by FAA.  Public have the right to know and it is not nice that FAA can withhold  sharing this data, even after the overhwleming public response.

Virgin America Becomes First US Airline to Report Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions

April 21, 2009 at 3:29 pm

 (Source: Virgin America & Tree Hugger)

California-based Virgin America (which is an entirely separate company than Virgin Atlantic, by the way…) has announced that it has become the first US airline to join The Climate Registry, committing to report all of its greenhouse gas emissions:

Young Fleet Helps Lower Emissions
Founded in 2007, Virgin Atlantic touts its fuel saving measures: It operates a very young fleet of aircraft (Airbus A320s) which on a fleet-wide basis means that Virgin America emits about 25% fewer emissions than other domestic carriers on the routes it flies. It also undertakes techniques such as single-engine taxiing, a limiting cruising speeds.

The Virgin America press release states that the airline’s move to voluntarily report emissions comes at a critical time as U.S. legislators and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have recently solicited public input about mandatory GHG emissions reporting policies. In addition, Congressmen Waxman (D-CA) and Markey (D-MA) recently proposed legislation that would require EPA to create greenhouse gas emissions standards for aircraft and aircraft engines by the end of 2012. 

“We are very pleased to welcome Virgin America as our first airline Member. The company is known for being a pioneer in delivering innovative service. Being a pioneer in environmental responsibility, though, makes a significant impact in addressing our very urgent issue of climate change. For taking such a visible leadership role among its peers and other businesses across the U.S., Virgin America should be recognized and serve as a model for other highly visible businesses,” said Diane Wittenberg, Executive Director of The Climate Registry.

Hang Up And Fly – Oregon lawmaker hell bent on losing the little respect he ever earned as politician

April 21, 2009 at 12:36 pm

(Source: Wired; Photo: Flickr/ Wouter Sonneveldt via Wired)

Boneheaded politician pushes for legislation aimed at banning in-flight cellular communications.  


An increasing number of airlines think the person next to you should be able to chatter away on a cell phone, something some consider the best thing to happen to air travel since in-flight cocktails and others warn will make flying even more hellish.

In-flight cell service has proven quite successful in Europe, where people have chatted the friendly skies on more than 10,000 flights. Although several U.S. carriers offer in-flight Wi-Fi, we’ve yet to see them roll out in-flight phone service, which is still prohibited by the FAA and the Federal Communications Commission.

Some aren’t waiting for the technology to arrive. A group of lawmakers led by Rep. Pete Fazio, D-Ore., have drafted legislation called the Halting Airplane Noise to Give Us Peace (HANG-UP, get it?) Act to ban in-flight cell phone use. Proponents of the bill say the incessant chattering of passengers would make life unbearable for passengers already dealing with delayed flights, crowded planes and the hassle of flying.

But a growing number of passenger rights groups and small business organizations argue the government is grossly overstepping its authority and hasn’t done its homework.

“Given the increased difficulties we face in getting to our destinations these days Americans are spending more and more time at airports and on board commercial aircraft,” says Kate Hanni, executive director of the Coalition for an Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights. “We believe it is essential that the federal government perform a full inquiry before deciding whether to ban the use of wireless communications on commercial flights and that all the relevant benefits and information be considered before a decision is made before Congress.”

Mary Kirby over at Runway Girl agrees. She’s a vocal opponent of the Hang-Up Act and questions the government’s attempt to outlaw technological advancement. “If in-flight mobile usage hasn’t been a problem in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, why on earth do you think it would be a problem here,” shewrites in a recent post.

It wouldn’t be, according to Emirates executive Patrick Brannelly, who told Kirby the legislation may mark the first time Congress has tried to legislate good manners.

“At the end of the day, people can be rude and disrespectful on aircraft without a phone,” he said. “And it sometimes happens, but if they are being charged a few dollars a minute to make a phone call, it gives [people] pause.”

But lawmakers pushing for the ban believe they speak for the majority of passengers when they say commercial airlines should be cell-free zones.

“I think many Americans understand the potential for problems on aircraft if 100 or more people start talking on cell phones,” DeFazio said. “People are in very, very close quarters and this is a circumstance where you would have a cacophony of people on cell phones that would amount to a great potential for trouble.”

DeFazio introduced the bill in April, but so far nothing’s happened with it. Let’s hope it stays that way. Although we can think of nothing worse than being stuck next to some pinhead yammering away incessantly during a transcontinental flight, this isn’t an area the government needs to get involved in.

Click here to read the entire article.  On a related note, Runway Girl has an update on this issue: Two consumer groups try to put brakes on “Hang-Up Act”.

TG Musings # 1: This is very illogical and idiotic – TransportGooru wonders aloud if Rep. DeFazio has ever traveled across the country in GreyHound or Amtrak? If he did, probably he failed to recognize that there are no such rules about attending to a cellphone call while you are cruising on the highway or riding the rails at 60 mph.  What difference does it make if the mode of transportation? A phone call is a phone call and if it can be attended to during a train/bus travel why not it be made during the flight?  Interference with flight to ground communications can be somewhat acceptable (which in itself is a very questionable argument anyway due to the various studies conducted that totally disproved this theory) as a reason for prohibiting these phone calls.  But that’s not even in this picture painted by Rep. DeFazio.  Americans are decent people and they are much more courteous and well-behaved than you can think.If Rep. DeFazio’s logic is squarely based on his experience dealing with the people’s representatives around him in the Congress, no wonder he thinks there is a potential for problems if 100 or more people start talking at the same time – which is what politicans are prone to do, right?   With a country full of smart people,  it makes one wonder how come such people elect illogical politicians to be their intelligent voice on such societal issues? I hate to use the word Bonehead, but I think it is the only suitable word that can be applied to someone with this sorta logic (or lack thereof), Rep. DeFazio. 

TG Musings # 2:  Social Equity – This is a big issue, Rep. Defazio.  A big business owner flying First Class  can afford a $2/min phone call. He would go ahead and do it with the carrier operated, over-priced inflight phone system.  The average Joe Smith/Jane Doe on the street who is flying across the country (often on discounted fares) in the coach class does not have that kind of money.  Especially, in this poor economic climate!!! If anything he or she is already paying through his/her nose for a cellphone (that handles both personal and his small business needs) but still can’t use it, thanks to the existing FAA rule.  He/she would still hold a peice of technology in his pocket that is all well capable of making that phone call from 30K feet, but because of a logically-deficient politican he/she will never be able to make that call.  Let’s say for argument sake, if 10 businessmen in first class decide to make a phonecall at a given moment (hypothetically speaking), doesn’t that account to cacophony? You are not going to convince those business men – “People are in very, very close quarters and this is a circumstance where you would have a cacophony of people on cell phones that would amount to a great potential for trouble.” – Are you Rep. DeFazio?  If you can work  so hard on helping people not just in Oregon but across the country, please refrain from pushing this bill forward. You should spend a couple of minutes to rethin/revise your flawed logic and help all American’s in winning that  the rest of the world rightfully enjoys (i.e.,  in-flight cellular voice calls).  I am sure you want us Americans to be globally competitive in this economy and be ready to serve the needs of our business customers anytime anywhere!

Bulging waistline a risk for obese wallets – United Airlines to Charge Obese Fliers Twice on Full Jets

April 17, 2009 at 11:04 am

(Source: Bloomberg & Guardian, UK; Photo: Daily Mail, UK)

  • Carrier received more than 700 complaints last year
  • Two-thirds of Americans are considered overweight
  • UA may boot obese fliers off full planes and charge them for two tickets on the next departure.

United Airlines, the third-largest U.S. carrier, may force some obese travelers to buy a second seat when flights are full and other passengers complain about being cramped.

The policy brings practices at UAL Corp.’s United in line with those at the other five biggest U.S. carriers including Delta Air Lines Inc. The rule took effect today after being adopted in January, said a United spokeswoman.

United passengers previously “had to share their seat with the oversized guest” on full planes, Urbanski said. Chicago- based United acted after receiving “hundreds” of public complaints each year, she said.

“It’s going to perpetuate that negative stigma that’s already associated with obesity,” said James Zervios, a spokesman for the Obesity Action Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group in Tampa, Florida. Airline seats already “could use a few extra inches of room on all sides,” he said.

Urbanski said obese passengers on United will be reassigned to a pair of empty seats and won’t be charged for an extra ticket on flights that aren’t full. Travelers must be able to put the arm rest between seats down to its normal position and buckle a seat belt with one extension belt, she said. 

United spokeswoman Robin Urbanski said the policy applies to passengers who cannot buckle up with a single seatbelt extender or lower the armrests or who infringe on their neighbours.

Zervios of the Obesity Action Coalition said cramped airline cabins cause many disruptions.

“What if the person in front of me puts back their seat and encroaches into my space, or if the person next to me has a puffy coat or leaves their light on when I want to take a nap?” he said. “We need to keep in mind that it’s just a form of transportation from Point A to Point B.”

U.S. Obesity Rate

About 34 percent of Americans are obese, double the rate from 30 years ago, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only one state, Colorado, has an obesity rate of less than 20 percent.

“I don’t happen to be overly wide but I am tall, and as far as I’m concerned I’d like to charge the guy in front of me every time he reclines his seat into my knees,” he said. ‚”There are a lot of dimensions to this problem.”

Obesity is defined as having a “body mass index,” a measure of body fat based on height and weight, of 30 or more. Using that calculation, a person who is 5 feet 9 inches tall (175 centimeters) and weighs at least 203 pounds (92 kilograms) would be considered obese, according to the CDC.

But aviation industry analyst and consultant Robert Mann said it remains unclear how aggressively flight attendants will implement it.

United spokeswoman Robin Janikowski said the policy applies to passengers who cannot buckle up with a single seatbelt extender or lower the armrests or who infringe on their neighbours.

Note: TransportGooru would like to point the readers to a legal battle in Canada on this issue.  Click here to read all about it.

USDOT Publishes Report on Key Transportation Indicators for March 2009

April 13, 2009 at 11:21 am

(Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the U.S. Department of Transportation)

This report is intended to provide timely, easily accessible information for the transportation community. It was developed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and is updated on a regular basis on the BTS website.

The indicators fall under two broad categories: those that provide context about the economy and society in which transportation functions, and those that convey information about an aspect of transportation. To the extent possible, these latter indicators are transportation-wide in scope; however, some apply to only part of the transportation system. Reference tables at the beginning of the document provide key statistics about U.S. social and economic characteristics, and about the extent of the transportation system.

For indicators that are highly seasonal, the current value of that indicator is compared to the same time period in the previous year (e.g., April 2001 compared to April 2000). Otherwise, the tables show a comparison of the current value to a comparable preceeding period of time (e.g., the data for the month of April 2001 compared to that of March 2001).

 Click here to read the report in HTML.

Gas stations in the sky continue service for US Air Force amidst replacement fight

April 9, 2009 at 12:10 pm

Photo: VirtualSugar@ flickr

(Source: Washington Post)

 WASHINGTON — Lying on her chest in a small crawl space, Staff Sgt. Dana Fernkas watches the gray Air Force jet emerge from the clouds and ease up just behind the rear window in the belly of her plane.

While most cargo and passenger planes stay thousands of feet apart in the air, the big KC-10 roared up just below where Fernkas lay, close enough that the wings patch on the other pilot’s jumpsuit was clearly visible. All this while both aircraft raced 300 miles per hour over the Atlantic Ocean.

For gas stations in the sky, this is full-service.

Known as a boom operator, Fernkas controls a long pipe that extends off the back of the plane like a tail. Her aircraft, the size of medium passenger jet, is an aerial refueling tanker known as the KC-135, one of about 450 the Air Force operates. Fuel is stored in the plane’s wings and below the cabin floor. Gassing up a fighter could take just a few minutes. Bigger planes may take up to a half hour.

With a joy stick in one hand and a lever in the other, she “flies” the boom, guiding the tip slowly into a gas nozzle on top of the other plane, a KC-10 that also serves as a tanker, although bigger. Once it slides into place, the boom can deliver a portion of the 200,000 pounds of jet fuel the KC-135 can carry.

“The tanker is key to our entire mission,” said Gen. Arthur Lichte, head of the Air Force command that oversees the KC-135. It gasses up other aircraft in flight, allowing everything from fighter jets to lumbering cargo planes to fly farther than they could on one tank of gas.

The Pentagon has been trying for a decade to build new refueling planes to replace the KC-135, some of which date from mid-1950s, like the one Fernkas flew in. But the effort has been stymied by bitter competition among contractors, heavy pressure from Congress and missteps by the Air Force.

Click here to read the entire article (Free Reg. required). 

Searching for heavenly pleasures in the sky! Drunken romp gets boyfriend in trouble while flying – Girlfriend finds him sleeping inside another woman’s blanket

April 9, 2009 at 12:23 am

(Source: The Sun, UK via News.com.au)

A DRUNKEN model flew into a rage on a jet after catching her boyfriend romping with a woman next to him, it was claimed yesterday.

Anger ... Sarah began screaming

Blonde Sarah Hannon, 35, is said to have woken from a stupor to find Daniel Melia enjoying a sex act.

Daniel had got friendly with the other woman, pretty toff Clare Irby, after Sarah dozed off on a nine-hour flight to London from the Indian city of BANGALORE.

Magazine covergirl Sarah went mad and had to be calmed down by the crew at 30,000ft. Armed cops boarded Kingfisher Airlines Flight IT001 at Heathrow and arrested the trio.

A police source said Ms Hannon fell asleep after drinking with Mr Melia before and during the flight.

Mr Melia then “got on well” with Ms Irby underneath a blanket but was stopped by hostesses – at which point Sarah awoke and started screaming.

“They certainly put the bang into Bangalore,” the source said.  

Mr Melia, 36, and Ms Irby, 29, were arrested for alleged gross indecency while Sarah was held for being drunk on an aircraft. All three were released on bail.

Arabian Sheiks Raid Queen’s Treasure, Again – After the QE2, the last British Concorde may also be sold to Dubai

April 8, 2009 at 6:38 pm

(Source: Telegraph, UK)

The last Concorde plane kept by British Airways may be sold to Dubai as a tourist attraction, it has been reported.

British Airways concorde takes flight: Last British Concorde may be sold by BA to Dubai


Alpha Bravo, the last British Concorde, which was due to be put on display at Heathrow Airport, may be cut into pieces and shipped to the Gulf state, according to The Times.  It could be jointly marketed with the QE2 (Queen Elizabeth, the mighty passenger ship that once ruled the oceans of the world), which was sold to Dubai earlier this year to become a floating hotel. 

FAA Scrambles to Add Air Traffic Controllers

April 5, 2009 at 1:03 pm

Mike Zara @ Flickr

 (Source: New York Times)

Like many other air traffic controllers, Michael Pearson was hired by the Federal Aviation Administration in the early 1980s to help replace more than 10,000 striking air traffic controllers who were fired en masse by President Ronald Reagan.

These days he works in the control tower at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. But he may soon become part of an exodus of controllers from the work force, a legacy of those departures nearly three decades ago.

Mr. Pearson, who is also a lawyer and a professor of aviation law at Arizona State University, will turn 50 next year and is considering retiring. Thousands of other controllers are also weighing such a move. Controllers must retire at 56, although they are allowed to retire earlier if they have 25 years of service (or 20 years if they are at least 50).

Because of this retirement bubble, the F.A.A. is in the midst of a hiring surge that began in 2005; its Air Traffic Control Workforce plan has set a goal of hiring 17,000 controllers by 2017.

About 15,000 air traffic controllers are now employed in the United States, including about 6,000 who have been hired since 2005, said Hank Krakowski, chief operating officer for the F.A.A.’s air traffic organization. The agency’s workforce plan calls for 1,900 to be hired this year; 500 are now in training at the F.A.A. Academy.

Another factor driving hiring is a planned modernization of the air traffic control system. When controllers leave their posts to train on new systems, added personnel will be needed to fill their spots.

Training to be an air traffic controller can take years. Applicants must be under 30 and have either a minimum of a high school diploma and three years of full-time work experience or four years of college. (Some combination of the three can be acceptable as well.)

About 70 percent of applicants have come from the military’s air traffic control system or have completed the F.A.A. Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative Program, offered nationwide at 13 colleges and universities.

Click here to read the entire article.


Horrible airline travel experience? Visit flightsfromhell.com and share you story

April 2, 2009 at 6:46 pm

(Source: CNN)

There was a time when airline travel was a special treat, the kind of occasion that inspired passengers to dress up.

Now, the awe people once felt about flying through the clouds is tempered by additional fees, cramped seats and horrifying tales of fellow travelers.

Take, for instance, “Mr. Poopy Pants” — a grown man who allegedly soiled himself 10 minutes into a flight from Florida to Minnesota. And then he just sat there.

 “We’ve all had our flying hell experiences,” said Gregg Rottler, creator of FlightsFromHell.com.

The site provides a venue for people to share their tales of woe, said Rottler. “It’s therapeutic … so it benefits them and provides entertainment value for others.”

Rottler, a 54-year-old environmental health supervisor in Tampa, Florida, launched the site more than two years ago. Since then,FlightsFromHell.com has attracted submissions from passengers and flight attendants that have run the gamut, touching on categories that include “odors,” “attendant issues,” “weird people,” and “luggage and delays.”

Among the story headlines: “Titanic toddler creates tumult,” “Wifey punched by elderly ‘sleepwalker,’ ” and “Lip-locked tousle-haired 20-somethings.”

“There’s something about being scrunched up with strangers … The seats aren’t that big, and once someone starts going wacko, it just creates an extremely stressful environment that was already stressful enough,” Rottler said.

TripAdvisor, the world’s largest online travel community, recently released survey results from more than 1,500 U.S. respondents asked to discuss what about flying bugs them most.

The purpose was to “allow travelers to air their grievances,” TripAdvisor spokesman Brooke Ferencsik said. Sure enough, he continued, “83 percent of respondents said air travelers have gotten ruder over the past 10 years” and the most annoying travelers, earning 59 percent of votes, were “oblivious parents.”

Flyers griped about fellow passengers snoring, vomiting and having “excessive flatulence.”

Click here to read the entire article.