USDOT Request for Comments: Real-Time System Management Information Program (due December 23, 2010)

November 30, 2010 at 12:01 am

RITA strongly encourages comments on the Real-Time System Management Information Program Final Rule Request:

Rule Comments BACKGROUND The concept for establishing a Real-Time System Management Information Program was included in federal transportation legislation in 2005 (specifically known as Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, or SAFETEA-LU). The Real-Time System Management Information Program would provide the capability to monitor in real-time the traffic and travel conditions of the major highways across the U.S. and provide a means of sharing these data with state and local governments and with the traveling public. The SAFETEA-LU legislation required the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to establish a formal rule in order to define minimum parameters and requirements for states to make available and share traffic and travel conditions information via real-time information programs. The Federal Highway Administration has released the proposed rule, and is seeking comments from stakeholders across the public and private sectors. The Research and Innovative Technology Administration, which oversees the U.S. Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, is actively encouraging innovation in data collection, management, and dissemination across a wide array of communications platforms, and also encourages stakeholders to provide detailed comments regarding this rule. RITA is particularly interested in responses to questions below from the Notice:

  1. Given the research investment into wireless communications systems in the 5.9 GHz spectrum for Intelligent Transportation Systems applications, to what extent could systems in this spectrum also be used to fulfill the requirements of this rule and/or enable other applications?
  2. Given that there are legacy technologies in place now, and that there are new technologies on the horizon that are being adopted, how can we ensure that investments made today to comply with this rule are sustainable over the long term?


This rule will be effective December 23, 2010. Establishment of the real-time information program for traffic and travel conditions reporting along the Interstate highway system will be completed no later than November 8, 2014. Establishment of the real-time information program for traffic and travel conditions reporting along the State-designated metropolitan area routes of significance will be completed no later than November 8, 2016. We request that comments be submitted via the link above no later than December 23, 2010.

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