This explains why America has such high divorce rates – Swedish Researchers say 45-min commute to work is passport to divorce

May 26, 2011 at 1:19 pm

(Source: Times of India)

Image Courtesy: US Census Bureau via

Apart from the well-documented ill-effects of long commutes on human life, now add this one – marriage. According to a new Swedish research study says those who spend a long time on trains or stuck in cars shuttling to the office are up to 40 per cent more likely to split from their spouse.

The research team, which looked at statistical data from two million Swedish households between 1995 and 2000, concluded that the risk is highest in the first few years of marriage when the dream of life together gives way to the daily grind.

The Researchers from Umea University said, “if one partner – most likely the husband – spends 45 minutes or more commuting they would come home too tired to help around the house.”

Click here to learn more.

Note:  Looking at the map above, I can’t help but wonder how are the divorce rates in these American states where people have significant commute times.  Scouring the web, I landed on this chart, which if laid out on a GIS map, would help us compare a bit more easily.. But it still helps to understand the dynamics between marital discord and heavy commutes.

us divorce rate by state

Image Courtesy: via Google Images

Of course, there are many other contributing factors that lead to a couple’s separation/divorce.  Nevertheless, it is interesting to see someone quantify the impact of long commutes on a relationship.