Auto Wars – American vs. Japanese: Who makes better cars?
(Source: via Infographlove)
Interestingly, the infographic below summarizes the data into this nugget: Americans make better cars than Japanese. No wonder GM and Ford are making a comeback. After all, this country love a good comeback.
[New Post] Auto Wars – American vs. Japanese: Who makes better cars? –
What a load of crap. I’m an ASE-Certified auto parts specialist with over 10 years of experience. I can tell you that American cars are ABSOLUTE JUNK! I know what breaks and what doesn’t. I know what I sell and I know that there are several instances of planned obsolescence in American vehicles that are not present in Japanese vehicles like hub assemblies and ignition coils. The initial idea behind “distributorless ignition” was that the distributor was a moving part and eliminating it in favour of an electronic coil would make it more reliable. However, the electronic coil-packs of American cars have shorter life-spans than the distributors that they replaced. Go figure eh? This retard’s jingoism is absurd and his facts are skewed if not outright FALSE. Go read Consumer Reports if you want a fair and balanced assessment of who makes better cars.